
Latest version: v0.61.0

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- [BUGFIX] Fix login redirect with social auth 230
- [BUGFIX] Add validation to Shard, Service, Project, and Farm name 228
- [INTERNAL] Start refactoring api into `/rest/` namespace 224
- [BUGFIX] Fixes to unit tests to avoid signal errors 216
- [DOCUMENTATION] Fix reference to old endpoint 206


- [BUGFIX] Pin kombu to 4.6.3 to fix bug with redis exchange 197
- [IMPROVEMENT] Show read-only view of incoming alerts 199
- [IMPROVEMENT] Tracking for failed alerts 200
- [INTERNAL] Refactor Metrics collector 201


- [BUGFIX] Catch ConnectionError and RequestException for better results 191
- [BUGFIX] Rule.content_object should use our Site proxy module 194
- [BUGFIX] Update test data for Alertmanager 196
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add `promgen register-host` to register host from command line 193
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add `promgen register-job` to register job from command line 192


- [BUGFIX] Disable button when no farm assigned 188
- [BUGFIX] Fix hostname validation 181
- [BUGFIX] Fix HTTP 405 when updating a rule 176
- [BUGFIX] Fix output from `promgen rules` command 186
- [BUGFIX] Fix rule import 189
- [BUGFIX] Fixes for Docker build 174
- [BUGFIX] pk should always be an integer 178
- [CHANGE] Rewrite exporter test button in Vue 187
- [DOCUMENTATION] Fix method for route 185
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add custom promql-query tag 184
- [IMPROVEMENT] Settings helper for Promgen config 183
- [INTERNAL] Refactor unittests 166
- [INTERNAL] Upgrade Django to 2.2.4 175


- `config_writer:path` changes to `prometheus:targets`
- `alert_blacklist` changes to `alertmanager:blacklist`

See `promgen/tests/examples/promgen.yml`


- [BUGFIX] Fix queries for promgen.Rule and promgen.Site 170
- [BUGFIX] Fix rule import for Project/Service 165
- [BUGFIX] Migrate from to to fix references 164
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add PROMGEN_SCHEME to support https links 160
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add silence button to blackbox exporter entries 156
- [IMPROVEMENT] Import probe config from blackbox_exporter 155
- [IMPROVEMENT] Read-only rule page 169
- [INTERNAL] Cleanup URL paths 167
- [INTERNAL] Minor version updates and Dockerfile cleanup 163
- [INTERNAL] Refactor apk commands in Dockerfile 172
- [INTERNAL] Refactor macro for common use case 168
- [INTERNAL] Remove fragile celery metrics 171


- [CHANGE] Remove old Prometheus v1 rule format 148
- [IMPROVEMENT] Support selecting probe module for blackbox monitoring 154
- [IMPROVEMENT] When listing rules, show rule specific labels 153

Setting for `url_writer` changes to `prometheus:blackbox`

See `promgen/tests/examples/promgen.yml`

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