- `threads` parameter to `Ontology` constructor to control the number of
threads used by parsers supporting multithreading (OBO and OBO JSON at
the moment).
- Deprecation warnings for suspected uses of the `is_a` pseudo-relationship
since subclasses/superclasses is now to be handled by the owner `Ontology`.
- Support for subclass/superclass edition directly from the objects returned
by `Term.subclasses()` and `Term.superclasses()`. ([84](
- Updated `fastobo` to `v0.8`, which reduce memory footprint of identifiers,
and improves the parser speed.
- Improved OBO parser performance using threading plus zero-copy validation
of identifiers on `Xref` instantiation.
- Improved performance in debug mode by having the typechecker only extract
the wrapped function signature once.
- OBO parser crashing on files containing `idspace` clauses in their headers.
- Reference management issue with binary operations of `TermSet`.
- `nanoset` depency, which was not useful anymore in Python 3.8 and caused
issues with multithreading when processing OBO frames in parallel.