- Dropped support for Python earlier than `3.6`.
- Brand new data model that follow the OBO 1.4 object model.
- Partial OWL XML parser implementation using the OBO 1.4 semantics.
- New OBO parser implementation based on `fastobo`.
- Imports are properly separated from the top-level ontology.
- `Ontology.__getitem__` can also access entities from imports.
- `Term`, `Relationship`, `Xref`, `SynonymType` compare only based on their ID.
- `Subset`, `Definition` compare only based on their textual value.
- Support for OBO JSON parser based on `fastobo`.
- Provisional `mypy` type hints.
- Type checking for most properties in `__debug__` mode.
- Proper `repr` implementation that should roundtrip most of the time.
- Detection of file format and encoding based on buffer content.
- OBO and JSON serialization support (for now).
- `Term.rchildren` and `Term.rparents` and stop making direction assumptions on relationships.