Pulumi Console and managed stacks
New in this release is the [Pulumi Console]( and stacks that are managed by Pulumi. This is the recommended way to safely deploy cloud applications.
- `pulumi stack init` now creates a Pulumi managed stack. For a local stack, use `--local`.
- All Pulumi CLI commands now work with managed stacks. Login to Pulumi via `pulumi login`.
- The [Pulumi Console]( provides a management experience for stacks. You can view the currently deployed resources (along with the AWS ARNs) and see logs from the last update operation.
Components and output properties
- Support for component resources([pulumi 340](, enabling grouping of resources into logical components. This provides an improved view of resources during `preview` and `update` operations in the CLI ([pulumi #417](
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (create)
+ cloud:table:Table: (create)
+ aws:dynamodb/table:Table: (create)
- A stack can have *output properties*, defined as `export let varName = val`. You can view the last deployed value for the output property using `pulumi stack output varName` or in the Pulumi Console.
Resource naming
Resource naming is now more consistent, but there is a new file format for checkpoint files for both local and managed stacks.
> If you created stacks in the 0.8 release, you should destroy them with the 0.8 CLI, then recreate with the 0.9.x CLI.
Support for configuration secrets
- Store secrets securely in configuration via `pulumi config set --secret`. chris
- The verbs for `config` are now consistent, via `get`, `set`, and `rm`. See [Consistent config verbs 552](
- [**experimental**] Support for the `pulumi logs` command ([pulumi 527]( These features now work:
- To see new logs as they arrive, use `--follow`
- Use `--since` to limit to recent logs, such as `pulumi logs --since=1h`
- Filter to specific resources with `--resource`. This filters to a particular component and its child resources (if any), such as `pulumi logs --resource examples-todoc57917fa --since 1h`
Other features
- Support for `.pulumiignore`, for files that should not be uploaded when deploying a managed stack through Pulumi.
- [Allow overriding a `Pulumi.yaml`'s entry point 575]( To specify the entry directory, specify `main` in `Pulumi.yaml`. For instance, `main: a/path/to/main/`.
- Support for *protected* resources. A resource can be marked as `protect: true`, which prevents deletion of the resource. For example, `let res = new MyResource("precious", { .. }, { protect: true });`. To "unprotect" the resource, change `protect: false` then run `pulumi up`. See [Allow resources to be flagged "protected" 689](
- Changed defaults for workspace and stack configuration. See [Workspace configuration is error prone 714](
- [Save configuration under the stack by default](
- Improved SDK installer. It automatically creates directories as needed, configures node modules, and prints out friendly error messages.
- [Better diffing in CLI output, especially for Lambdas \454](
- [`main` does not set working dir correctly for Lambda zip 667](
- [Better error when invalid access token is used in `pulumi login` 640](
- [Eliminate the top-level Stack from all URNs 647](
- Service API for Encrypting and Decrypting secrets
- [Make CLI resilient to network flakiness 763](
- Support --since and --resource on `pulumi logs` when targeting the service
- [Pulumi unable to serialize non-integers 694](
- [Stop buffering CLI output 660](