
Latest version: v3.0.1

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This release marks the conclusion of our JOSS review for PVGeo in https://github.com/openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/1451


PVGeo has undergone a lot recent development to catch up with development for `vtki`

- `pep8` refactoring
- Documentation overhaul and migration to GitHub Pages
- Bug fixes


The `v1.2.0` release comes with a significant new dependancy: `vtki`. The [vtkInterface Python package](https://github.com/akaszynski/vtki) (`vtki`) is a helper module that takes a different approach to interfacing with VTK through NumPy and direct array access. The package brings a much more Pythonic interface to using the VTK data objects that go in and out of PVGeo algorithms. From this point forward, we will provide full support for pairing PVGeo with `vtki` as a visualization library so that users can leverage powerful visualization routines and tools built for pure Python envrionments such as `vtki`'s:

- Direct filtering on data objects: `dataset.threshold()`

import PVGeo
dataset = PVGeo.model_build.CreateUniformGrid().Apply()

Apply a threshold over a data range
dataset.threshold([100, 500])

- IPython interactive plotting tools



New Features

- Support for [Open Mining Format](https://omf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) project files through the [`omfvtk`](https://omfvtk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) optional dependency
- External library interfacing with a new base class: `PVGeo.InterfacedBaseReader`
- Support for `discretize` meshes and other UBC data formats


Be sure to check out all the Jupyter notebooks in the [examples repository](https://github.com/OpenGeoVis/PVGeo-Examples) to learn more about using PVGeo and `vtki`!


- The *Table to Grid* filter has officially been removed and replaced by the optimized *Table to Time Grid* filter: `PVGeo.grids.TableToTimeGrid`


Major overhaul to code documentation for a new Sphinx documentation generator. Any tagged commits to `master` now rebuild the code docs at http://docs.pvgeo.org

This new documentation generator automatically iterates through the `PVGeo` and `pvmacros` modules to build the documentation on the fly. This allows for developers to create new features and immediately have the docs reflect those features, thus relieving developers from having to write a docs page for their new work.


*PVGeo* is finally at a stage for a full release! I overhauled the library to make *PVGeo* work as a standalone python package as well as wrapped the package for use in ParaView versions 5.5.3 and above. In this overhaul, I implemented an automated testing suite and [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/PVGeo/) deployment on [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/OpenGeoVis/PVGeo/builds) which enables *PVGeo* to be installed via pip ([see details](http://pvgeo.org/overview/getting-started/#install-pvgeo)).

Get Involved:
- Merge requests welcome!
- Join the community on [**Slack**](http://slack.pvgeo.org)
- Questions or need to contact us: [**infopvgeo.org**](mailto:infopvgeo.org)

Notable New Features
- Some 10+ new filters... most notably:
- [Voxelize Points](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/filters-general/voxelize-points/): turns a point data set into a gridded data set made of voxels for volumetric operations.
- Various slicing filters like [Many Slices Along Points](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/filters-general/many-slices-along-points/).
- [Array Math](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/filters-general/array-math/): Perform **any** mathematical operation on two input arrays from a `vtkDataObject`.
- [Rotate Points](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/filters-general/rotate-points/): Rotate the points in a `vtkPolyData` object around any origin. Will be extended to handle different types of VTK data objects.
- [UBC Mesh Model Appender](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/ubc/add-model/): Append a time series of a model data to an already read UBC mesh type.
- Re-implementation of all readers to be lightweight on the VTK pipeline. I enabled the readers to handle reading data up-front on the first request for all timesteps then allowing the pipeline to request data for specific time steps. This results in minimal lag when dealing with larger time series files.
- UBC Mesh readers ([Tensor](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/ubc/tensor-grids/) and [OcTree](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/ubc/octree/)) can now handle time series models.
- Various enhancements and overhaul to **all** previously implemented readers, filters, and sources.

Coming Soon:
- A new repository with Jupyter notebooks on how to use *PVGeo* in a standalone python environment.
- ParaView tutorials with sample data on every doc page (similar to [Many Slices Along Points](http://pvgeo.org/plugin-suites/filters-general/many-slices-along-points/)).
- A more comprehensive [Development Guide](http://pvgeo.org/dev-guide/contributing/).


The *PVGeo* package is now deployed on PyPI and wrapped for use in ParaView versions > 5.5.2

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