We're in the Beta release stage! We're still working out quirks/bugs and looking for more plugin/macro ideas but we are happy with the structure for the general framework moving forward.
Before we can push a full release we need feedback! Please post your ideas for plugins, macros, and what you might like to see from this project on Issue Topic 1 . Also feel free to post any feedback, concerns, requests, and more on our [Issues Page](https://github.com/banesullivan/ParaViewGeophysics/issues).
Notable New Features:
* Streamlined installation scripts for Mac/Linux and Windows!
* **Reader:** UBC Mesh two file format reader for 3D grids
* **PVGPpy**: Our ParaViewGeophysics Python module that houses all of our macros for ParaView.
* **PVGPpy.export.exportVTKjs():** A macro to export your data scenes into the VTKjs shareable format
* **PVGPpy.vis.clipThrough():** Automate the movement of a slice through a model (link to other slices and can move infinitely many slices at once)
* **PVGPpy.vis.manySlicesAlongPoints():** Make many slices of a model along a series of points
* Filter GUIs display code with Python syntax live in ParaView and can be opened in separate window now
* Switched to vector properties where it makes sense for many of the published filters (e.g., dimensional spatial extents on Table to Uniform Grid went from 3 variables n1,n2,n3 to 1 array [n1,n2,n3])
* Several orography colormaps added
* Added the ability to have multi-file inputs to readers in build scripts
* Now you can specify help documentation for plugin parameters