
Latest version: v3.0.1

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The most notable features of this release are the UBC GIF file readers for 2D/3D Tensor Meshes and OcTree formats. We did a complete refactoring of the Tensor Mesh readers to squash bugs and implemented the OcTree reader in a similar fashion.

Notable New Features Implemented
- **UBC OcTree file reader** from feature request 3. Many thanks go to grosenkj for contributions in 5
- [How to Build Your Own Plugins](http://pvgp.io/PVGPpy/Build-Your-Own-Plugins/) page added to Docs and example plugins updated
- [Contributing page](http://pvgp.io/Dev-Guide/Contributing-to-PVGP/) added to the development guide on the Docs pages
- [Slice Model Along PolyLine](http://pvgp.io/Examples/Slice-Model-Along-PolyLine/) example added to Docs pages
- PVGP custom grid file format updated to be a single file with embedded compressed data
- UBC 2D Tensor Mesh Grid fully implemented
- Major Docs updates: docstrings and scripts can be imported to markdown page and much more formatting
- Python modules overhaul: structure changes, cleaner imports, and privatization of helpers


This release is triggered due to the major changes in how we are building the project docs.

Project structure overhauls for the documentation and implemented dynamic includes for code docs in the markdown for the website.

Notable New Features:
- Madagascar Single Stream RSF file format reader (ignores header: need to use [Table to Uniform Grid Filter](http://pvgp.io/PVGPpy/filt/Table-to-Uniform-Grid/))
- Using Python 3 conventions for all code (even though we use Python 2 with ParaView)
- Method and Script dynamic includes for mkdocs
- Lots of bug fixes, code cleanup, refactoring, and modular use of code implemented


**MAJOR BUG FIXES:** *Please Pull*

- An issue with delimited text readers where `float` values could accidentally get parsed as `int` values
- An issue where an incomplete definition in the readers got pushed and crashed the delimited text reader.
- Many other less significant bugs :bug:

Notable New Features:
- Macro to easily edit axis label ticks in `pvmacros`
- Macro to create many slices of a data set along a given axis in `pvmacros`
- A custom file format has been created `PVGPGrid` (file sink for Python in new `py2PVGP` module)
- Lots of bug fixes, code cleanup, refactoring, and modular use of code implemented


Major project structure changes! All macros are being implemented into a new module called `pvmacros`. This is so that `PVGPpy` will only be used for functionality in Python Programmable Sources/Filters. We implement that functionality in the `PVGPpy` module so that we can version control whats happening in those filters without worrying about conflictions from saving state files.

Notable New Features:
- Time-series functionality added for readers!!!!!!!!!!
- More filters for array math (`np.correlation()` between two arrays)
- Input Array selection drop down menu added to filter generator script
- Much better example plugins (filter and reader)
- General refactoring, cleanup, and bug squashing

- `camera` class for saving views and making reproducible screenshots a breeze
- a simple function to load plugins into the `pvpython` shell environment if needed

**Note:** The docs are currently deprecated and will be updated by May 2018


Major project structure changes! All filters, readers, etc. are now implemented in the `PVGPpy` module. This makes their use easier for scripting and allows for version control on the filters after a state has been saved.

Notable New Features:
- Streamlined installation instructions for Windows and an install script for Mac! These instructions will work for all python enabled versions of ParaView. Install instructions likely will not change moving forward.
- **Filter:** Add UBC model file to existing vtkRectilinearGrid made from a UBC mesh
- General code cleanup and docstrings
- Cleaner XML formatting
- `filt` and `helpers` sub-modules added to `PVGPpy`
- Table to Uniform Grid bugs squashed


We're in the Beta release stage! We're still working out quirks/bugs and looking for more plugin/macro ideas but we are happy with the structure for the general framework moving forward.

Before we can push a full release we need feedback! Please post your ideas for plugins, macros, and what you might like to see from this project on Issue Topic 1 . Also feel free to post any feedback, concerns, requests, and more on our [Issues Page](https://github.com/banesullivan/ParaViewGeophysics/issues).

Notable New Features:
* Streamlined installation scripts for Mac/Linux and Windows!
* **Reader:** UBC Mesh two file format reader for 3D grids
* **PVGPpy**: Our ParaViewGeophysics Python module that houses all of our macros for ParaView.
* **PVGPpy.export.exportVTKjs():** A macro to export your data scenes into the VTKjs shareable format
* **PVGPpy.vis.clipThrough():** Automate the movement of a slice through a model (link to other slices and can move infinitely many slices at once)
* **PVGPpy.vis.manySlicesAlongPoints():** Make many slices of a model along a series of points
* Filter GUIs display code with Python syntax live in ParaView and can be opened in separate window now
* Switched to vector properties where it makes sense for many of the published filters (e.g., dimensional spatial extents on Table to Uniform Grid went from 3 variables n1,n2,n3 to 1 array [n1,n2,n3])
* Several orography colormaps added
* Added the ability to have multi-file inputs to readers in build scripts
* Now you can specify help documentation for plugin parameters

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