* lib.system.clip updated as well as corresponding changes in cmdline
* updated "see also" and "credits" section in manpage
* fixed some timeouts and error messages when using scp without a connection
Released: 2018-05-20
* minor readme update for multi user & non-uniq entrys
* reimplemented windows compatibility
* many minor changes related to import errors if on windows so many libs have been changed to comply again
* readded dependency for wget & yubico
* first release with some automated testing
Released: 2018-05-20
* obviously fixed and updated readme =)
* fix bug that caused pwclip to crash instanly in some cases
* fixed filerotate function wich now just uses shutil.move to set filetimes correctly and now iterates one counter more
* fixed repitition in gui mode if no entrys are received or given pattern cannot be found in received entrys
* fixed bug in password printing function (-o) and made it responde quicker
* replaced findentry function with inline entry matchers
Released: 2018-05-11
* fixed error messages if entry to be deleted cannot be found
* cleaned up code resided from merge
Released: 2018-05-10
* replaced CHANGELOG.rst and README.rst by many small rst files and readme as well as changelog updated (mostly wrote it new from scratch)
* docs fixed to fit format needed for manpage
* removed throw_keys for encryption while gpg library does not support it -.-
* fixed receiving wrong passphrase in some cases if more than one user has matching entrys for the query
* readded '-l /dev/null' arguments for xsel (unfortunately ~/.xsel.log is created anyways) suppressing messages like: >XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":" > after 30 requests (28 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
Released: 2018-05-08
* deletion of ~/.pwd.yaml is removed permanently
* changed README again to fit current state
* added trow_keyids option to the encrypt function trying to fix a bug with multiple recipients - if decrypting and having only one of the secret keys in the keyring while trying to decrypt it always fails