Released: 2018-04-25
* fixed typo in README and removed unnecessary debugging output
* replaced all xinput related libs into one class with functions using it
as well as fixing the ValueError exception in xlib.xinput
* fixed MANIFEST pointing to non-existent doc folder and added lots of
template files for future documentation :-)
* added compatibility for auto-paste into current focused window (if not
executed via Keystroke in X11 while those, at least in my case would
only log the output and i've found no way to prevnt it from doing so)
by using xvkbd when gui-mode is used (pwclip/ykclip) - otherwise
default print is executed to auto-paste the password
* finally fixed tab-completion bug and added autocompletion of commandline
options as well as readding commandline options even for gui modes
* implemented commandline options for password and comment even if it's
dangerous to use - at least for the password
* fixed filerotater function not setting file times correctly
* fixed indentation of old changelog messages to be manpage make compliant
* made some gui-dialog improvements like asking for repitition if input
was not found in passcrypt
* [W] compatibility most certainly lost for now :-(
had no time to fix the stuff implemented without testing till now