
Latest version: v5.1.0

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Released August 2024

* Supported Django versions are now 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1.


Django 5.0 (after 5.0.0 and 5.0.1). Since the Django project at the time was
supporting Django 5.0 and 4.2, that version of ``pwned-passwords-django`` would
also support Django 5.0 and 4.2.

API stability and deprecations

The API stability/deprecation policy for ``pwned-passwords-django`` is as follows:

* The supported stable public API is the set of symbols which are documented in
this documentation. For classes, the supported stable public API is the set
of methods and attributes of those classes whose names do not begin with one
or more underscore (``_``) characters and which are documented in this

* When a public API is to be removed, or undergo a backwards-incompatible
change, it will emit a deprecation warning which serves as notice of the
intended removal or change. This warning will be emitted for at least two
releases, after which the removal or change may occur without further
warning. This is different from Django's own deprecation policy, which avoids
completing a removal/change in "LTS"-designated releases. Since
``pwned-passwords-django`` does not have "LTS" releases, it does not need
that exception.

* Security fixes, and fixes for high-severity bugs (such as those which might
cause unrecoverable crash or data loss), are not required to emit deprecation
warnings, and may -- if needed -- impose backwards-incompatible change in any
release. If this occurs, this changelog document will contain a note
explaining why the usual deprecation process could not be followed for that

* This policy is in effect as of the adoption of "DjangoVer" versioning, with
version 5.0.0 of ``pwned-passwords-django``.

Releases under DjangoVer



Released May 2024

* Adopted "DjangoVer" versioning.

* Supported Django versions are now 4.2 and 5.0.

* Expanded/reorganized documentation.

Releases not under DjangoVer



Released February 2024

* Supported Django versions are now 3.2, 4.2, and 5.0; supported Python
versions are 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.

* Source code formatting was updated to Black 2024 style.

* Some internal test code was rewritten to use HTTPX ``MockTransport`` objects.


it is a factory function,
:func:`pwned_passwords_django.middleware.pwned_passwords_middleware`. If you
were using the middleware, you will need to update your :setting:`MIDDLEWARE`

The middleware in 2.0 supports both synchronous and asynchronous usage, and
will automatically select the correct sync or async code path on a per-request
basis, including use of a sync or async HTTP client to make requests to Pwned

In 1.x, the middleware set the ``request.pwned_passwords`` attribute to a
:class:`dict`, where the keys were keys from
:attr:`~django.http.HttpRequest.POST` that contained compromised passwords, and
the values were the corresponding breach counts for those passwords. In 2.0,
``request.pwned_passwords`` is a :class:`list` of :class:`str`, whose elements
are the keys from :attr:`~django.http.HttpRequest.POST` that contained
compromised passwords. This means that it is no longer possible to get the
breach count for a password from the middleware.

However, the format of ``request.pwned_passwords`` in 1.x meant that the
middleware could not have a consistent fallback in case of errors communicating
with Pwned Passwords; as a result of the change to a :class:`list` in 2.0, the
middleware is now able to fall back to Django's
:class:`~django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator` when
an error occurs in a request to Pwned Passwords, which is a safer failure mode
than was previously possible. This also brings makes the behavior of the
middleware consistent with the validator; see :ref:`the new error-handling
documentation <exceptions>` for details.

Also, as with the validator, the log message recorded when an error occurs
communicating with Pwned Passwords has been changed from log level
:data:`logging.WARNING` to :data:`logging.ERROR`.

Direct API changes

In 1.x, direct access to the Pwned Passwords API was available through the
function ``pwned_passwords_django.api.pwned_password``, which took a password
and returned either the count of times it had been breached, or :data:`None` in
the event of an error.

In 2.0, this has been replaced by two functions: the synchronous
:func:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.check_password`, and the asynchronous
:func:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.check_password_async`. Both of these
functions take a password and return a count of times it has been breached;
rather than returning :data:`None` or some other sentinel value, they raise
exceptions in the event of errors communicating with Pwned Passwords. Your code
which calls these functions is responsible for catching and handling exceptions
raised from them; see :ref:`the new error-handling documentation <exceptions>`
for details.

A new :class:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.PwnedPasswords` API client class is
also provided; the above-mentioned functions are aliases to methods of a
default instance of this client class. See :ref:`the direct API access
documentation <api>` for details of how it may be used and customized.

Error handling changes

In 1.x, errors were caught and handled in a variety of different ways by
different parts of ``pwned-passwords-django``. In 2.0, error handling is much
more unified:

* All external exceptions raised when communicating with Pwned Passwords are
caught and wrapped in
:exc:`~pwned_passwords_django.exceptions.PwnedPasswordsError`, meaning that
code which works with ``pwned-passwords-django`` should only need to catch
and be able to understand that one exception class.

* All exception paths also consistently log messages of log level

* As noted above, the validator and middleware error handling has been made
consistent: both will fall back to Django's ``CommonPasswordValidator`` in
the event of errors communicating with Pwned Passwords.

Additionally, as a side effect of better/more unified error handling, code
paths in ``pwned-passwords-django`` that handle passwords or likely passwords
now have had Django's
:func:`~django.views.decorators.debug.sensitive_variables` decorator applied to
help prevent accidental appearance of raw password values in error reports, and
the explicit error-handling code in ``pwned-passwords-django`` deliberately
minimizes the amount of information reported for unknown/unanticipated
exceptions, to further reduce the risk of this issue.

See :ref:`the error-handling documentation <error-handling>` for details.

Dependency changes

In 1.x, the underlying HTTP client library for communicating with Pwned
Passwords was `requests <>`_. In 2.0,
it is `HTTPX <>`_, which is broadly API-compatible
but provides several additional features (such as async support). The new
:class:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.PwnedPasswords` API client class can use an
instance of any object API-compatible with ``httpx.Client`` as its synchronous
client, and any object API-compatible with ``httpx.AsyncClient`` as its
asynchronous client. This means that, for example, a ``requests.Session`` could
still be passed in to a custom
:class:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.PwnedPasswords` instance and used as the
synchronous HTTP client, if desired (though see the note in the documentation
of :class:`~pwned_passwords_django.api.PwnedPasswords` regarding error handling
with alternate HTTP clients).

In 1.x, the test suite and continuous integration of ``pwned-passwords-django``
were orchestrated using the ``tox`` automation tool. In 2.0, they are
orchestrated using `nox <>`_ instead.



Released December 2022

* Bugfix release: the Pwned Passwords API was reported to sometimes return the
count as a value with a comma in it, which requires additional handling. No
other changes; a release for official compatibility with Python 3.11 and
Django 4.1 will occur later.

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