
Latest version: v5.0.0

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Released June 2021

* Django 3.2 is now supported; Django 3.0 and Python 3.5 are no longer
supported, as they have both reached the end of their upstream support



Released January 2020

* The :class:`~pwned_passwords_django.validators.PwnedPasswordsValidator` is
now serializable. This is unlikely to be useful, however, as the validator is
not intended to be attached to a model.

* The supported versions of Django are now 2.2 and 3.0. This means Python 2
support is dropped; if you still need to use ``pwned-passwords-django`` on
Python 2 with Django 1.11, stay with the 1.3 release series of



Released May 2019

* Released to add explicit markers of Django 2.2 compatibility.



Released September 2018

* Released to include documentation updates which were inadvertently left out
of the 1.3 package.



Released September 2018

* Released to add explicit markers of Python 3.7 and Django 2.1 compatibility.



Released June 2018

* Released to correct the date of the 1.2 release listed in this changelog

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