- [695][695] Fixed a performance regression in `phd`.
- [452605e][452605e] Fixed [629][629] related to correct removal of temporary files.
- [ea94ee4][ea94ee4] Disallows semi-colons in for the `run_in_terminal` function, since it did not work properly in all cases.
- [6376d07][6376d07] Added the mips shellcode `pushstr_array`.
- [700][700] Added missing MIPS shellcode documentation to readthedocs, and enabled unit tests
- [701][701] Command line tools refactored to have a common `pwn` entry point.
+ Added an option to *not* install the traditional `asm`, `disasm`, `checksec`, etc scripts
+ All existing tools can be accessed from the `pwn` command (e.g. `pwn asm nop`).
- [704][704] The `process` object has a new, optional argument `alarm` for setting a `SIGALRM` timeout for processes.
- [705][705] Added the Android Emulator to the test suite and Travis CI.
+ Android Emulator is now required for the full test suite
+ Android Emulator tests are skipped if no Android-related changes are detected
- [711][711] `DynELF` has a new attribute, `heap`, which leaks the current `brk` address (heap base). This is useful for finding heap allocations with dlmalloc-derived allocators like those used by Glibc.
- [717][717] `sh_string` was rewritten to emit more compact and compatible strings
+ This was achieved by embedding single-quoted non-printable literals
+ Much more testing was added
+ Emitted strings are no longer copy-paste compatible, but work fine with e.g. `tubes` module and the default `subprocess` module
- [709][709] The `adb` module now directly talks to the `adb` server process via a new module, `adb.protocol`
+ Removes the need to shell out to `adb`
+ Avoids version-compatibility issues with `adb` server vs. client
- [703][703] Added new methods to `adb`
+ `install` - Installs an APK
+ `uninstall` - Uninstalls a package
+ `packages` - Lists installed packages
- [4893819][4893819] Modified `shellcraft.sh` on all platforms to provide `argv[0]` and set `argc==1`
+ This is needed for systems which have Busybox or other minimal shell for `/bin/sh` which does not behave well with `argc==0` or `argv[0]==NULL`.
- [1e414af][1e414af] Added `connect()` alias for `remote()`
+ For example, `io=connect('google.com', 80)`
+ This also works with `tcp(...)` and `udp(...)` aliases
- [869ec42][869ec42] Added `ssh.read()` and `ssh.write()` aliases
- [2af55c9][2af55c9] `AdbDevice` objects exposed via e.g. `adb.devices()` now offer scoped access to all `adb` module properties
+ It is now possible to e.g. `map(lambda d: d.process(['id']).recvall(), adb.devices())`
[629]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/issues/629
[695]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/695
[700]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/700
[701]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/701
[704]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/704
[711]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/711
[717]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/717
[709]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/709
[705]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/705
[703]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/703
[452605e]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/commit/452605e854f4870ef5ccfdf7fb110dfd75c50feb
[ea94ee4]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/commit/ea94ee4ca5a8060567cc9bd0dc33796a89ad0b95
[6376d07]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/commit/6376d072660fb2250f48bd22629bbd7e3c61c758
[1e414af]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/commit/1e414afbeb3a01242f4918f111febaa63b640eb7
[869ec42]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/commit/869ec42082b4b98958dfe85103da9b101dde7daa
[4893819]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/commit/4893819b4c23182da570e2f4ea4c14d73af2c0df
[2af55c9]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/commit/2af55c9bc382eca23f89bc0abc7a07c075521f94