- [1541][1541] Use `context.newline` for tubes by default
- [1602][1602] Fix bytes handling in ssh tubes
- [1606][1606] Fix `asm()` and `disasm()` for MSP430, S390
- [1616][1616] Fix `cyclic` cli for 64 bit integers
- [1632][1632] Enable usage of Pwntools in jupyter
- [1633][1633] Open a shell if `pwn template` cannot download the remote file
- [1644][1644] Enable and support SNI for SSL-wrapped tubes
- [1651][1651] Make `pwn shellcraft` faster
- [1654][1654] Docker images (`pwntools/pwntools:stable` etc) now use Python3 by default, and includes assemblers for a few common architectures
- [1667][1667] Add i386 encoder `ascii_shellcode` (Fixed docs in 1693)
- Fix syscall instruction lists for SROP on `i386` and `amd64`
- Fix migration to another ROP
- [1673][1673] Add `base=` argument to `ROP.chain()` and `ROP.dump()`
- [1675][1675] Gdbserver now correctly accepts multiple libraries in `LD_PRELOAD` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`
- [1678][1678] ROPGadget multibr
- [1682][1682] ROPGadget multibr fix
- [1687][1687] Actually import `requests` when doing `from pwn import *`
- [1688][1688] Add `__setattr__` and `__call__` interfaces to `ROP` for setting registers
- [1692][1692] Remove python2 shebangs where appropriate
- [1703][1703] Update libcdb buildid offsets for amd64 and i386
- [1704][1704] Try https://libc.rip/ for libcdb lookup
[1541]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1541
[1602]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1602
[1606]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1606
[1616]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1616
[1632]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1632
[1633]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1633
[1644]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1644
[1651]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1651
[1654]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1654
[1667]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1667
[1673]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1673
[1675]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1675
[1678]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1678
[1682]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1679
[1687]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1687
[1688]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1688
[1692]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1692
[1703]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1703
[1704]: https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/pull/1704