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- Fixed potential security vulnerability on smartplaylist search rule and catalog management actions (thanks Roman Ammann)
- Fixed song comparison issue on arrays (genre ...) when updating from tag
- Fixed song insertion issue if track year is out of range
- Fixed unexpected artist summary autoupdate
- Improved generated playlist filename (thanks yam655)
- Fixed user avatar upload (thanks vader083)
- Fixed waveform temporary file deletion issue if GD library is unavailable
- Fixed max number of items returned from Subsonic getStarred.view (thanks zerodogg)
- Fixed video update from tags (thanks stebe)
- Reverted PHP 5.5.9 dependency to PHP 5.4
- Added video playlist support (thanks SurvivalHive)
- Added preference subcategory
- Added prompt for new playlist name
- Fixed page refresh when canceling album art change (thanks EvilLivesHere)
- Added /play htaccess rewrite rule to avoid default max limit redirection
- Fixed Subsonic artist/album/song name JSON parsing if the name is numeric only
- Added ignored articles and cover art to Subsonic getArtists.view function
- Fixed MySQL requests to support ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode
- Fixed Ajax art refresh after changing it (thanks gnujeremie)
- Fixed playlist creation from smartplaylist (thanks stebe)
- Added SQL unique constraint on tag map
- Fixed Subsonic genres with JSON format
- Added Bookmarks feature on Subsonic API
- Fixed thumb art regeneration if entry found in database without data (thanks s4astliv)
- Added Podcast feature
- Added large view / grid view option on artist and albums collection
- Moved from php-gettext to oscarotero/Gettext
- Added `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` header on Subsonic images & streams
- Fixed Subsonic item identifier parsing
- Added logic for external plugin directories (ampache-*)
- Added Discogs metadata plugin


- Fixed PHP7 Error class conflict (thanks trampi)
- Fixed user password with special characters at install time (thanks jagerman)
- Moved Ampache project license from GPLv2 to AGPLv3
- Added Ampache specific information on Subsonic API getAlbum using a new `ampache` parameter (thanks nicklan)
- Added 'album tag' option in song search (thanks DanielMaly)
- Added Message of the Day plugin to display MOTD at home page
- Moved AmpacheApi class to a separate ampacheapi-php git repository
- Added timeline / friends timeline feature
- Fixed disabled song display to regular users (thanks shangril)
- Fixed random albums art size (thanks Bidules079)
- Moved tag cloud to artist browsing by default
- Fixed utf8 BOM empty string on song comparison
- Improved recently played and user stats queries performance (thanks thinca)
- Renamed SAMPLE_RATE to TRANSCODE_BITRATE on transcoding
- Fixed tag deletion sql error (thanks stebe)
- Moved to PNG default blank image instead of JPG (thanks Psy-Virus)
- Fixed temporary playlist initial position when scrolling down (thanks RobertoCarlo)
- Added Radio stations to UPnP backend
- Fixed Subsonic API art to use album art if song doesn't have a custom art (thanks hypfvieh)
- Fixed Subsonic API search when object count parameter is 0 (thanks hypfvieh)
- Fixed UPnP UUID to be based on host information
- Moved to Composer for dependencies management
- Fixed catalog action when not using Ajax page loading (thanks Razrael)
- Fixed unrated song default value (thanks Combustible)
- Added custom metadata support from files (thanks Razrael)
- Improved Subsonic API getArtists performance (thanks nicklan)
- Fixed theme color setting behavior
- Moved audioscrobbler API to v2
- Added m3u8 playlist import
- Fixed utf8 id3v2 comments support
- Added write_playlists script to export playlists to file
- Fixed Tvdb and Tmdb plugins (thanks wagnered)
- Improved Video filename parsing (thanks wagnered)
- Fixed non scalar settings value printing on debug page
- Improved Subsonic API getAlbumList error handling
- Fixed user login with browser used during the installation
- Fixed iTunes 12 browsing when using DAAP (thanks Chattaway83)
- Moved http_port user preference to ampache.cfg.php
- Upgraded and scrobbling to latest API version (thanks nioc)
- Added missing space between track and album in localplay playlist (thanks arnaudbey)
- Added check fo mbstring.func_overload support before using id3 write functionality (thanks anonymous2ch)
- Fixed file size calculation when using id3v2 tag (thanks hypfvieh)
- Added rating from id3 tag (thanks nioc)
- Added track number on streaming playlist (thanks Fondor1)
- Fixed catalog export (thanks shellshocker)
- Fixed file change detection
- Improved XML API with more information and new functions (advanced_search, toggle_follow, last_shouts, rate, timeline, friends_timeline)
- Fixed 'Next' button when browsing start offset is aligned to offset limit (thanks wagnered)
- Fixed stream kill OS detection (thanks nan4k7)
- Fixed calculate_art_size script to support storage on disk (thanks nan4k7)
- Fixed sql script semicolon typo (thanks jack)
- Added support for .opus files (thanks mrpi)
- Fixed podcast owner xml information
- Fixed ldap filter parameter check (thanks ChrGeiss)
- Fixed 'Add to existing playlist' link for regular users (thanks Niols)


- Added Portuguese (Brasil) language (thanks Ione Souza Junior)
- Updated PHPMailer version to 5.2.10
- Fixed user stats clear
- Added user, followers and last shouts XML API functions
- Fixed transcoded process end on some systems (thanks nan4k7)
- Added ogg channel streaming support (thanks Deathcow)
- Fixed sql connection close before stream (thanks fufroma)
- Added support for several ldap filters (thanks T-Rock)
- Fixed 'Add to existing playlist' button on web player (thanks RyanCopley)
- Added 'add to existing playlist' link on album page (thanks RyanCopley)
- Added option to hide user fullname from other users
- Added playlist track information in Apache XML API (thanks RyanCopley)
- Fixed playlist remove song in Apache XML API (thanks RyanCopley)
- Fixed SubSonic API ifModifiedSince information
- Added Podcast links to albums / artists
- Added Piwik and Google Analytics plugins
- Added Apache 2.4 access control declaration in htaccess files
- Fixed performance issues on user preferences
- Added artist search by year and place
- Fixed search by comment (thanks malkavi)
- Added Paypal and Flattr plugins
- Added .maintenance page
- Fixed captcha
- Added private messages between users
- Fixed SubSonic API rating information on albums and songs
- Added latest artists and shouts RSS feeds
- Fixed tag cloud ordering
- Added Label entities associated to artists / users
- Added WebDAV backend
- Fixed SubSonic API requests with musicFolderId parameter (thanks dhsc19)
- Added footer text edition setting
- Added uploaded artist list on user page
- Added custom Ampache login logo and favicon support
- Added edition support on shared objects (thanks dhsc19)
- Fixed share feature on videos (thanks RobertoCarlo)
- Removed album year display from album name if unset
- Fixed Subsonic API Album/Artist song's link (thanks dhsc19 and daneren2005)
- Added mysql database socket authentication support on web setup (thanks AsavarTzeth)
- Fixed artist art url for mobile use (thanks dhsc19)
- Added Shoutbox home plugin
- Added catalog favorites home plugin
- Fixed search by rating (thanks iamnumbersix)
- Added UPnP localplay (thanks SeregaPru)
- Changed preferences to return the global value if preference is missing for the searched user
- Fixed special chars in songs names and tags (thanks SeregaPru)
- Fixed Subsonic API playlist edition/delation (thanks dhsc19)
- Fixed integer default value in Apache XML API
- Fixed image thumb on webplayer and search preview (thanks RobertoCarlo and eephyne)
- Fixed proxy setting on all external http requests (thanks brendankearney)
- Added QRCode view of user API key
- Fixed http status code on Subsonic API streams when using curl (thanks nicklan)
- Added Server-Sent Events on catalog actions
- Added option to enable/disable channel and live stream features
- Removed official PHP 5.3 support
- Added option to show/hide footer statistics (thanks brownl)
- Added delete from disk option on user uploaded files
- Added installation type and players helper at installation process
- Added tv_episode tag on quicktime files (thanks wagnered)
- Added new option to disable deferred extended metadata, e.g. artist details
- Added Subsonic API getAvatar function
- Fixed unsynced lyrics tags
- Fixed ldap_filter setting deactivation on ampache.cfg.php update (thanks Rouzax)
- Added Subsonic API similar artists & songs functions
- Added Subsonic API getLyrics function
- Fixed disk number and album artist metadata on quicktime files (thanks JoeDat)
- Fixed Ampache API playlist_add_song function
- Added ability to store images on disk
- Added new setting to define album art min and max width/height
- Fixed Subsonic API getAlbum returned artist id on songs
- Fixed Subsonic API cover art when PHP-GD unavailable
- Fixed localplay playlist refresh on volume changes (thanks essagl)
- Fixed web player equalizer option if visualizer is not enabled (thanks brownl)
- Fixed asx file mime type (thanks thinca)
- Added song genre parsing options (thanks Razrael and lotan)
- Added sort on languages list (thanks brownl)
- Added placeholder text to search box (thanks brownl)
- Added web player Play Next feature (thanks tan-ce)
- Fixed Plex backend administration page uri (thanks a9k)
- Fixed expired shared objects clean (thanks eephyne)
- Added missing artist search results (thanks bliptec)
- Fixed song genre id parsing (thanks lotan)
- Added Scrobble method to Subsonic API
- Added an option to add tags to child without overwriting
- Added image dimension info to image tables (thanks tsquare66)
- Replaced ArchiveLib by StreamZip-PHP to avoid temporary zip file
- Added Year field in song details and edition
- Added Subsonic API create/delete user, jukebox control and search auto suggestion
- Added few optional install tests
- Improved Share features with modal dialog choices
- Added new action on playlists to remove duplicates
- Fixed playlist addition to another playlist (thanks kszulc)
- Fixed Various Artist link on album page (thanks Jucgshu)
- Added session_destroy call when a session should be destroyed
- Added HTML5 ReplayGain track feature
- Added display and mandatory user registration fields settings
- Added .htaccess IfModule mod_access.c directives
- Fixed SmartPlayer results per user (thanks nakinigit)
- Fixed XSS vulnerability CVE-2014-8620 (thanks g0blin)
- Fixed playlist import setting on catalog update to be disabled by default (thanks DaPike)
- Added ability to browse my tags other library items than songs
- Added Stream Control plugins
- Added transcode settings per player type
- Added ability to write directly the new configuration file when it version changed
- Added `quick play url` to have permanent authenticated stream link without session
- Fixed unresponsive website on batch download (thanks Rouzax)
- Added batch download item granularity
- Fixed 'guest' user site rendering
- Added Aurora.js support in webplayer
- Added Google Maps geolocation analyze plugin
- Added statistical graphs
- Added user geolocation
- Added 'Missing Artist' search
- Fixed Ampache installation with FastCGI
- Added a new RSS Feed plugin
- Added a new 'display home' plugin type
- Added Favorite and Rating features to playlists
- Added user feedback near mouse cursor on democratic votes
- Changed header page position to be fixed
- Added external links on song page details
- Fixed Subsonic API getAlbumList2 byGenre and byYear order (thanks rrjk)
- Added html5 desktop notification
- Added album group order setting
- Fixed unwanted album merge when one of the album doesn't have mbid
- Changed video player to go outside the footer
- Added ip address in authentication failure for fail2ban scripts (thanks popindavibe)
- Added parameter to hide directplay button if number of items is above a limit
- Added Tag split (thanks jcwmoore)
- Fixed album/artist arts and stats migration on rename (thanks jcwmoore)
- Fixed get lyrics from files (thanks apastuszak)
- Fixed verify local catalog (thanks JoeDat)
- Removed Twitter code
- Added optional cookie disclaimer for the EU Cookie Law
- Replaced catalog action links to action dropdown list (thanks Psy-Virus)
- Fixed `remember me` feature (thanks ainola)
- Added email when registered user must be enabled by administrators
- Fixed local catalog clean on Windows (thanks Rouzax)
- Added Subsonic API maxBitRate parameter support (thanks philipl)
- Fixed SubSonic API special characters encode (thanks nan4k7)
- Added Beets local and remote catalog support (thanks Razrael)
- Fixed XML error code returned with invalid Ampache API handshake (thanks funkygaddafi)
- Replaced iframe to Ajax dynamic page loading
- Changed `Albums of the moment` to not necessarily have a cover
- Added Plex backend items edition support
- Added hls stream support
- Added X-Content-Duration header support on streams
- Removed Toogle Art from artist page
- Fixed track numbers when removing a song from playlist (thanks stonie08)
- Added Plex backend playlist support
- Added gather art from video files (thanks wagnered)
- Added Plex backend movie / tvshow support
- Added release group on albums
- Added Smart Playlist songs list
- Added zlib test
- Removed old Ampache themes
- Fixed SubSonic API lastModified element (thanks bikkuri10)
- Disabled `beautiful url` on XML-API for retro-compatibility
- Fixed image resource allocation (thanks greengeek1)
- Added setting to write id3 metadata to files (thanks tsquare66)
- Added check for large files manipulation
- Added video subtitle support
- Fixed Google arts to use real arts and not the small size preview
- Added Tmdb metadata plugin
- Added Omdb metadata plugin
- Added Music Clips, Movies and TV Shows support
- Added media type information on catalog
- Fixed get SmartPlaylist in XML-API (thanks opencrf)
- Added beautiful url on arts
- Improved browse list header (thanks Psy-Virus)
- Fixed user online/offline information on Reborn theme (thanks thorsforge)
- Added UPnP backend (thanks SeregaPru)
- Added DAAP backend
- Added sort options on playlists (thanks Shdwdrgn)
- Fixed XML-API tag information (thanks jcwmoore)
- Fixed multiple broadcast play (thanks uk3gaus)
- Added SmartPlaylists to Subsonic API
- Added limit option on SmartPlaylists
- Added random option on SmartPlaylists
- Added 'item count' on browse
- Added direct typed links on items tags
- Fixed SubSonic API compatibility with few players requesting information on library -1
- Added license information on songs
- Added upload feature on web interface
- Added albumartist information on songs (thanks tsquare66)
- Fixed errors on sql table exists check
- Fixed play/pause on broadcasts (thanks uk3gaus)
- Added donation button
- Added democratic page automatic refresh
- Fixed distinct random albums
- Added collapsing menu (thanks Kaivo)
- Added 'save to playlist' feature on web player (thanks Kaivo)
- Added tag merge feature
- Fixed democratic vote with automatic logins (thanks M4DM4NZ)
- Added git pull update from web interface for development versions
- Fixed http-rang requests on streaming (thanks thejk)
- Improved installation process
- Improved French translation (thanks arnaudbey)
- Improved German translation (thanks Psy-Virus and meandor)


- Added Scrutinizer analyze
- Fixed playlist play with disabled songs (reported by stebe)
- Improved user auto-registration to optionally avoid email validation
- Fixed date.timezone php warnings breaking Ampache API (reported by redcap1)
- Fixed playlist browse with items > 1000 (reported by Tetram67)
- Fixed Amazon API Image support (thanks jbrain)
- Fixed id3v2 multiples genres (reported by Rouzax)
- Improved democratic playlist view to select the first one by default
- Improved German translation (thanks Psy-Virus)
- Fixed playlist view of all users for administrator accounts (reported by stonie08)
- Added option to regroup album disks to one album view
- Changed Ampache logo
- Fixed email validation on user registration (reported by redcap1)
- Added local charset setting
- Improved installation steps and design (thanks changi67)
- Improved Recently Played to not filter songs to one display only
- Fixed Subsonic transcoding support
- Fixed Subsonic offline storage file path (reported by Tetram76)
- Added optional top dock menu
- Added html5 web audio api visualizer and equalizer
- Added `Play List` to localplay mode
- Fixed encoding issue in batch download
- Added pagination to democratic playlists
- Added an option to group albums discs to an unique album
- Added alphabeticalByName and alphabeticalByArtist browse view in Subsonic API
- Fixed album art on xspf generated playlist
- Added stats, playlist and new authentication method to Ampache XML API
- Added responsive tables to automatically hide optional information on small screen
- Added song action buttons (user favorite, rating, ...) to the web player
- Added sortable capability to the web player playlist
- Added Growl notification/scrobbler plugin
- Added artist slideshow photos plugin from Flickr
- Added setting to change Ampache log file name
- Added playlists to Quick and Advanced search
- Added pls, asx and xspf playlist file format import
- Fixed playlist import with song file absolute path (reported by ricksorensen)
- Fixed playlist import with same song file names (reported by captainark)
- Added shoutcast notification at specific time when playing a song with a waveform
- Added Tag edit/delete capability
- Added several search engine links
- Added myPlex support on Plex API
- Added cache on LastFM data
- Added custom buttons play actions
- Added artist pictures slideshow for current playing artist
- Added Broadcast feature
- Added Channel feature with Icecast compatibility
- Replaced Muses Radio Player by jPlayer to keep one web player for all
- Added missing artists in similar artists for Wanted feature
- Added concerts information from LastFM
- Added tabs on artist information
- Added 'add to playlist' direct button on browse items
- Added avatar on users and Gravatar/Libravatar plugins
- Fixed playlist visibility (reported by stonie08)
- Added OpenID authentication
- Fixed m3u import to playlist on catalog creation (reported by jaydoes)
- Improved missing/wanted albums with the capability to browse missing artists
- Added share feature
- Updated French translation
- Added options per browse view (alphabetic, infinite scroll, number of items per page...)
- Fixed several Subsonic players (SubHub, Jamstash...)
- Added option to get beautiful stream url with url rewriting
- Added check to use a new thread for scrobbling if available
- Added confirmation option when closing the currently playing web player
- Added auto-pause web player option between several browse tabs
- Fixed similar artists list with disabled catalogs (reported by stebe)
- Improved Shoutbox (css fix, real time notifications...)
- Fixed iframe basket play action reload
- Fixed wanted album auto-remove
- Fixed MusicBrainz get album art from releases
- Added Waveform feature on songs
- Added AutoUpdate Ampache version check
- Added auto-completion in global Ampache search
- Added option to 'lock' header/sidebars UI
- Fixed catalog export when 'All' selected
- Fixed XBMC Local Play (reported by nakinigit)
- Fixed artist search
- Fixed Random Advanced (reported by stebe)
- Changed song preview directplay icons
- Added Headphones Automatic Music Downloader support as a 'Wanted Process' plugin
- Updated PHPMailer to version 5.2.7
- Updated getID3 to version 1.9.7
- Added 'Song Preview' feature on missing albums tracks, with EchoNest api
- Added 'Missing Albums' / 'Wanted List' feature
- Upgraded to MusicBrainz api v2
- Replaced Snoopy project with Requests project
- Added user-agent on recently played
- Added option to show/hide recently played, time and user-agent per user
- Updated French language
- Added option for iframe or popup web player mode
- Improved Song/Video web player with jPlayer, Radio player with Muse Radio Player
- Added 'add media' to the currently played playlist on web player
- Added dedicated 'Recently Played' page
- Added enable/disable feature on catalogs
- Fixed Config class conflict with PEAR
- Improved recommended artists/songs loading using ajax
- Added a new modern 'Reborn' theme
- Improved Subsonic api backend support (json, ...)
- Added Plex api backend support
- Added artist art/summary when using LastFM api
- Added 'all' link when browsing
- Added option to enable/disable web player technology (flash / html5)
- Fixed artist/song edition
- Improved tag edition
- Added song re-order on album / playlists
- Replaced Prototype with jQuery
- Added 'Favorite' feature on songs/albums/artists
- Added 'Direct Play' feature to play songs without using a playlist
- Added Lyrics plugins (ChartLyrics and LyricWiki)
- Fixed ShoutBox enable/disable (reported by cipriant)
- Added SoundCloud, Dropbox, Subsonic and Google Music catalog plugins
- Improved Catalogs using plug-ins
- Added browse paging to all information pages
- Fixed LDAP authentication with password containing '&' (reported by bruth2)
- Added directories to zip archives
- Improved project code style and added Travis builds
- Added albums default sort preference
- Added number of times an artist/album/song was played
- Fixed installation process without database creation
- Removed administrative flags

- Fixed issue with long session IDs that affected OS X Mavericks and possibly
other newer PHP installations (reported by yebo29)
- Fixed some sort issues (patch by Afterster)
- Fixed Fresh theme display on large screens (patch by Afterster)
- Fixed bug that allowed guests to add radio stations
- Added support for aacp transcoding
- Improved storage efficiency for large browse results
- Fixed unnecessary growth of the tmp_browse table from API usage (reported
by Ondalf)
- Removed external module 'validateEmail'
- Updated PHPMailer to 5.2.6


- Fixed date searches using 'before' to use the correct comparison
(patch by thinca)
- Fixed long-standing issue affecting Synology users (patch by NigridsVa)
- Added support for MySQL sockets (based on patches by randomessence)
- Fixed some issues with the logic around memory_limit (reported by CableNinja)
- Fixed issue that sometimes removed ratings after catalog operations (reported
by stebe)
- Fixed catalog song stats (reported by stebe)
- Fixed ACL text field length to allow entry of IPv6 addresses (reported
by Baggypants)
- Fixed regression preventing the use of an existing database during
installation (reported by cjsmo)
- Fixed operating on all catalogs via the web interface
(reported by orbisvicis)
- Added support for nonstandard database ports
- Updated getID3 to 1.9.5
- Improved the performance of stream playlist creation (reported by AkbarSerad)
- Fixed "Pure Random" / Random URLs (reported by mafe)


- Fixed persistent XSS vulnerability in user self-editing (reported by
Jean-Lou Hau)
- Fixed persistent XSS vulnerabilities in AJAX object editing (reported by
Jean-Lou Hau)
- Fixed character set detection for ID3v1 tags
- Added matroska to the list of known tag types
- Made the getID3 metadata source work better with tag types that Ampache
doesn't recognise
- Switched from the deprecated mysql extension to PDO
- stderr from the transcode command is now logged for debugging
- Made database updates more robust and verified that a fresh import
will run through the updates without errors
- Added support for external authenticators like pwauth (based on a patch by
- Renamed the local auth method to pam, which is less confusing
- Removed the Flash player
- Added an HTML5 player (patch by Holger Brunn)
- Changed the way themes handle RTL languages
- Fixed a display problem with the Penguin theme by adding a new CSS class
(patch by Fred Thomsen)
- Made transcoding and its configuration more flexible
- Made transcoded streams more standards compliant by not sending a random
value as the Content-Length or claiming that ranged requests are
- Changed rating semantics to distinguish between user ratings and the
global average and add the ability to search for unrated items
(< 1 star)
- Updated Prototype to git HEAD (4ce0b0f)
- Fixed bug that disclosed passwords for plugins to users that didn't
have access to update the password (patch by Fred Thomsen)
- Fixed streaming on Android devices and anything else that expects to
be able to pass a playlist URL to an application and have it work
- Removed the SHOUTcast localplay controller

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