- Added complete Czech translation (Thx martin hason)
- Add the AlmightyOatmeal-Sanity check to prevent a clean from
removing all songs if your mount failed, but is still
readable by ampache
- Make the Lang Install page prettier
- Added Check for hash,inet_pton,windows PHP Version to init so
that upgrades without pre-reqs are handled correctly
- Allow mms,mmsh,mmsu,mmst,rstp in Radio Stream URLs
- Fixed a problem where after adding a track to a saved playlist
there was no UI response upon deleting the track without
a page refresh
- Fix an issue where the full version of the album art was never
used even when requested
- Fix maxlength on acl fields being to small for all IPv6 addresses
- Add error message when file exists but is unreadable do not
remove unreadable songs from catalog
- Fixed missing title tag on song browse for the title
(Thx flowerysong)
- Fix htmlchar'd rss feed url
- Fix Port not correctly being added to URL in most cases
even when defined in config
v.3.5-Beta2 04/07/2009
- Fix ASX playlists so more data shows up in WMP (Thx Jon611)
- Fix dynamic playlist items so they work in stream methods again
- Fixed Recently played so that it correctly shows unique songs
with the correct data
- Fix some issues with filenames with Multi-byte characters
(Thx Momo-i)
- Add WMV/MPG specific parsing functions (Thx Momo-i)
- Add text to /test.php for hash() and SHA256() support under PHP
- Fix SHA256 Support so that it references something that exists
- Fix incorrect debug_event() on login due to typo
- Remove manage democratic playlist as it has no meaning in the
current version
- Run Dba::reset_db_charset() after upgrade in case people are playing
hot potato with their charsets.
- Move Server Preferences to Admin menu (Thx geekdawg)
- Fixed missing web_path reference on radio creation link
- Fixed remote catalog_clean not working
- Fixed xmlrpc get image. getEncoding wasn't static