* [blackboard] don't do any copying, just pass handles around, `239 <https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/239>`_
* [blackboard] client ``exists()`` method, `238 <https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/238>`_
* [blackboard] global ``Blackboard.set()`` method
* [blackboard] client ``Blackboard.unset()`` method, `239 <https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/239>`_
1.3.x (2019-10-03)
**Breaking API**
* [decorators] updated ``EternalGuard`` to accommodate new blackboard variable tracking mechanisms
* [behaviours] blackboard behaviours decoupled - ``CheckBlackboardVariableExists``, ``WaitForBlackboardVariable``
* [behaviours] blackboard behaviours decoupled - ``CheckBlackboardVariableValue``, ``WaitForBlackboardVariableValue``
* [behaviours] blackboard behaviours dropped use of the largely redundant ``ClearingPolicy``
* [visitors] collapsed ``SnapshotVisitor`` and ``WindsOfChangeVisitor`` functionality, `228 <https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/228>`_
**New Features**
* [blackboard] read/write access configuration for clients on blackboard keys
* [blackboard] log the activity on the blackboard
* [display] dot graphs now have an option to display blackboard variables
* [display] unicode to console the entire blackboard key-value store
* [display] unicode to console the blackboard activity stream
* [visitors] new ``DisplaySnapshotVisitor`` to simplify collection/printing the tree to console, `228 <https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/228>`_
* [infra] only require test html reports on circle ci builds (saves a dependency requirement), `229 <https://github.com/splintered-reality/py_trees/pull/229>`_