* Uniquely identify redis runs via a uuid. * Secure proper termination of processes for redis and dask (all 338). * Rework redis sampler, implement a look-ahead mode for pre-defined (338) and adaptive algorithms (374) for near-perfect parallel efficiency. * Allow subprocessing in multiprocessed redis workers (377). * Add a static-scheduling redis sampler (379). * Check whether epsilon is nan before sampling (382). * Remove useless IdentityFakeDistance (390).
* Add stopping criterion for total walltime (370).
* Allow to normalize acceptance rate plots by ESS (346). * Add a list of pyABC references (348). * Update to petabtests 0.0.0a5 (362). * Add stopping criterion for total number of samples (364). * Remove dill dependency, thus fixing a cloudpickle error, and run selected tests also with python 3.7 (367).
* Move progress usage to attribute level (336). * Add check for whether redis is up already (337). * Add a self-tuned finite-space discrete transition (341).
* Refactor and modularize ABCSMC inference module (333). * Make fast random choice function robust across dimensions (333).