
Latest version: v0.3.16

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- Added ``params_to_result_pd``, which is the inverse function of ``params_to_result_pd``.



- Fixed a critical bug where J-coupling expressions ending with ``Hz`` were incorrectly interpreted as ``ppm``.
- Fixed a critical bug that prevented correct parsing of prior knowledge when there was a space in J-coupling strings, such as "0.125 ppm" and "15 Hz".
- Loosen the bounds of chemical shift of ATP peaks in the attached example prior knowledge datasets of human brain at 7T.
- Updated the ``simple_tutorial.ipynb`` to use the new prior knowledge dataset and the new API.



- Added ``print_lmfit_fitting_results``, a function to print key ``lmfit`` fitting results from the ``fitting_results.out_obj``.

- Changed the version number from ``0.4.0`` to ``0.3.10`` to better manage version increments.



- Added ``result_pd_to_params``, a function that converts fitted results from a DataFrame format into a Parameters object for use with ``simulate_fid``.

- Set ``normalize_fid=False`` to be turn it off for ``initialize_FID`` by default.



- Fixed a bug in the ``sum_multiplets`` function that prevented the SNR multiplets from being added.
- Revised the printouts for when ``initialize_with_lm`` is enabled.



- Updated the ``result["phase"]`` and ``result["phase_sd"]`` to be wrapped according to the minimum and maximum degree constraints defined in the prior knowledge dataset.

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