**Added** - Added the ``initialize_with_lm`` option to both ``fitAMARES`` and ``run_parallel_fitting_with_progress`` functions. - Added a ``highlight_dataframe`` function that highlights rows in a DataFrame based on the values of a specified column.
**Fixed** - Updated docstrings in numerous functions to ensure they render properly. - Add ``result["phase"] = (result["phase"] + 180) % 360 - 180`` to ``report.py`` to wrap ~360 degrees to ~0 - Fixed a bug in ``readmat.py`` - Fix a bug that the internal initializer ``initialize_with_lm`` always uses the input method to initialize. Now it uses ``leastqs`` as the internal initializer.
**Added** - The peak-wise Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is now added to each ``result_pd``. The Standard Deviation (SD) of the noise is obtained from the last 10% of points in the FID.
**Fixed** - Mute `__version__` and `__author__` printouts.
**Added** - Add a ``read_fidall`` function to read GE MNS Research Pack **fidall** generated MAT-files.
**Fixed** - Instead of try .. catch, use ``def is_mat_file_v7_3(filename)`` to identify if a ifle is V-7.3
**Added** - The ``readmrs`` function now supports any MAT-files containing either an ``fid`` or ``data`` variable. This enhancement makes it compatible with GE fidall reconstructed MAT-files as well as Matlab formats written by jMRUI.
**Fixed** - Fixed a bug where, if the ppm needs to be flipped while the carrier frequency is not 0 ppm, the resulting spectrum looks wrong with a fftshift().