- Serialization functions can be accessed directly from the BELGraph class (https://github.com/pybel/pybel/pull/344)
- Added several useful node filter functions (Thanks ddomingof; https://github.com/pybel/pybel/pull/347)
- Add a function for removing extraneous citation metadata
- pybel.struct.graph.BELgraph.summarize() now prints the number of warnings, even if it is zero
- Platform specificity for requirements in setup.py (Thanks scolby33; https://github.com/pybel/pybel/pull/346)
- Print statement problem (Thanks smoe; https://github.com/pybel/pybel/pull/351)
- Import paths for INDRA (Thanks bgyori; https://github.com/pybel/pybel/pull/339
- Improvements on flake8 status (Thanks tehw0lf; https://github.com/pybel/pybel/pull/353)
- Ensure complexes have at least one member (Thanks 10mubeen for pointing this out)
- Make "Other" as the default namespace domain for generating BEL namespace files