This version includes a number of minor fixes and improvements.
EEG files are better handled, and ``BIDSLayout`` and ``BIDSFile`` play more
nicely with ``Path``\ -like objects.
With thanks to new contributor Cecile Madjar.
* FIX: Instantiate ``ignore``\ /\ ``force_index`` after root validation (457)
* FIX: Restore ``<entity>=None`` query returning files lacking the entity (458)
* ENH: Add ``BIDSJSONFile`` (444)
* ENH: Add ``BIDSFile.__fspath__`` to work with pathlib (449)
* ENH: Add ``eeg`` datatype to layout config (455)
* RF: Remove unused kwargs to BIDSFile (443)
* DOC: Improve docstring consistency, style (443)
* DOC: Address final JOSS review (453)
* STY: PEP8 Fixes (456)
* MAINT: Set name explicitly in setup.py (450)