This is a major release that introduces the following features:
* A new ``bids.variables`` module that adds the following submodules:
* ``bids.variables.entities.py``\ : Classes for representing BIDS hierarchies as a graph-like structure.
* ``bids.variables.variables.py``\ : Classes and functions for representing and manipulating non-imaging data read from BIDS projects (e.g., fMRI events, densely-sampled physiological measures, etc.).
* ``bids.variables.io.py``\ : Tools for loading variable data from BIDS projects.
* ``bids.variables.collections``\ : Containers that facilitate aggregation and manipulation of ``Variable`` classes.
* Extensions to the ``BIDSLayout`` class that make it easy to retrieve data/variables from the project (i.e., ``Layout.get_collections``\ )
* A new ``auto_model`` utility that generates simple BIDS-Model specifications from BIDS projects (thanks to Shotgunosine)
* A new ``reports`` module that generates methods sections from metadata in BIDS projects (thanks to tsalo)
* Experimental support for copying/writing out files in a BIDS-compliant way
* Expand ``bids.json`` config file to include missing entity definitions
* Ability to parse files without updating the Layout index
* Updated grabbids module to reflect grabbit changes that now allow many-to-many mapping of configurations to folders
* Too many other minor improvements and bug fixes to list (when you're very lazy, even a small amount of work is too much)