
Latest version: v0.17.2

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Hotfix release:

* Includes data files omitted from 0.5.0 release.
* Improves testing of installation.


This is a major release that introduces the following features:

* A new ``bids.variables`` module that adds the following submodules:
* ````\ : Classes for representing BIDS hierarchies as a graph-like structure.
* ````\ : Classes and functions for representing and manipulating non-imaging data read from BIDS projects (e.g., fMRI events, densely-sampled physiological measures, etc.).
* ````\ : Tools for loading variable data from BIDS projects.
* ``bids.variables.collections``\ : Containers that facilitate aggregation and manipulation of ``Variable`` classes.
* Extensions to the ``BIDSLayout`` class that make it easy to retrieve data/variables from the project (i.e., ``Layout.get_collections``\ )
* A new ``auto_model`` utility that generates simple BIDS-Model specifications from BIDS projects (thanks to Shotgunosine)
* A new ``reports`` module that generates methods sections from metadata in BIDS projects (thanks to tsalo)
* Experimental support for copying/writing out files in a BIDS-compliant way
* Expand ``bids.json`` config file to include missing entity definitions
* Ability to parse files without updating the Layout index
* Updated grabbids module to reflect grabbit changes that now allow many-to-many mapping of configurations to folders
* Too many other minor improvements and bug fixes to list (when you're very lazy, even a small amount of work is too much)


We did some minor stuff, but we were drunk again and couldn't read our handwriting on the napkin the next morning.


We did some minor stuff, and we didn't think it was important enough to document.


We did some stuff, but other stuff was happening in the news, and we were too distracted to write things down.


We did some stuff, but we were drunk and forgot to write it down.

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