New Features
- Add a `cache` option to `pathprof.height_map_data`, which is based on the
`joblib` Python package. With this, one can easily re-use existing height
data (`hprof_cache`) from a previous run to save computing time. [b86c7d]
- Add a `generic_heights` option to the several functions and the `PathProp`
class in the `pathprof` sub-package. With this, one case set terrain heights
to zero more conveniently. [a3e799]
- As of Spring 2021, NASA decided to put all SRTM data products behind a
log-in page, such that automatic download ceases to work. For the time
being, the default server (and only server) in pycraf will thus be
`viewpano`. If you prefer to use NASA tiles (over `viewpano`), please use
their services, e.g., the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center.
- In some cases, but only when working with hgt tiles having a different
angular resolution than 3", terrain height interpolation was still based
on the 3" instead of the proper resolution. [89e0b0]
- There was a bug in the `geometry` sub-package, which caused all rotation
matrices be transposed (which is the same a applying a negative rotation
angle). We used the opportunity to also fix the sign of the `etilt` angle
in the `imt2020_composite_pattern`. [47e772,9fb8d6]