New Features
- A simple graphical user interface was added, which can be used to quickly
analyze the path propogation losses along a transmitter-receiver sight-line
and plot the path geometry. It is also possible to compute attenuation
maps. At the moment, it doesn't come with an amazing amount of features,
but it is foreseen to add more in the future. [15]
- Complete overhaul of the `pycraf.atm` sub-package [11]. Now
- it does ray-tracing through atmosphere correctly,
- the computational speed for Annex 1 algorithms (such as ray-tracing) is
greatly improved, as performance critical sections are implemented in
Cython and physical properties of the atmospheric layers are cached
- there are new functions, such as `pycraf.atm.find_elevation`, which finds
optimal ray geometry (to reach a given target)
- The `pycraf.pathprof` sub-package was re-worked to improve parallel
computations in various places. Most of these are "under the hood", but
one new function is `losses_complete`. It can be used to do bulk
calculations of path propagation loss for fixed Tx-Rx location. This
makes computations of statistics much faster (see user manual). [16]
- For `pycraf.pathprof` we used the BFSG loss (see Rec. ITU-R P.452-16) as
proxy for line-of-sight loss. However, to bring it inline with the other
quantities returned by the `pycraf.pathprof.loss_complete`, we now use
L_b0p, which includes focussing effects [13, 16]
- `pycraf.geospatial` produced an error with newer version of `pyproj`.
Basically, the "+init=" part of the projection definition is now
deprecated. We removed this from the `pycraf.geospatial` module, but
as a consequence, `pyproj>=2.0` is now required. [10]
- Make `pycraf` compatible with `astropy>=4.0`, which doesn't offer some `
utils.compat` functions any more. [00556d]