
Latest version: v0.8.14

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The error handling set in place by pysignalr lib does not suit our purposes well, so it is now overridden by our own function to allow exceptions to propagate out.

Signalr watchdog removed since given better error handling it is not needed anymore.


Watchdog changed to watch received data from SignalR stream and restart SignalR task if no data is received within 300 seconds.


A watchdog task that monitors the signalr lib has been added. If the signalr lib is not able to connect within 10 seconds, the lib task is killed and restarted after a backoff delay.


New functions to enable/disable schedule without changing them.
New function to control surplus charging.
Bugfixes for weekly schedule (if disabled, setting the schedule would not enable it).


A workaround problem with the reconnect logic in the SignalR lib .

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