There is now a way to signal though http user-agent which module is calling the lib.
With the new signalr lib there is an unexpected behaviour that it calls the disconnect callback during the startup/connection process. This could potentially cause that more than one connection thread is started.
* Updated observation IDs for future inclusion in easee HA component. * Missing await for _sr_connect() fixed.
v.0.8.0 The lib used previously for signalr communication, signalrcore, is outdated and has problematic dependancies.
A bug fix for userRole not being returned from some APIs jorgror. New functions to force a charger to update the lifetime energy and opmode values. jorgror.
The Charger object now has some more basic information available by default, like product type and user role. Weekly schedules are now better supported with the ability to add schedules for several days every week and delete the schedule.
API URLs updated to prepare for shutdown of old servers in September. Charger status codes translation table updated with more information.