What's Changed
* BUILD: Update ipython requirement from <8.27,>=8.13.0 to >=8.13.0,<8.28 by dependabot in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/761
* FIX: Arbitrary wave port by svandenb-dev in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/759
* BUILD: Update numpy upper bound to <2.2 by SMoraisAnsys in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/762
* FIX: version property, fix bug in loac configuration, fix bug in quit_application by ring630 in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/763
* FIX: Arbitrary wave port bug fix by svandenb-dev in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/765
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/compare/v0.26.1...v0.26.2