What's Changed
* CHORE: Update ipython requirement from <8.24,>=8.13.0 to >=8.13.0,<8.25 by dependabot in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/422
* CHORE: Update dev version after releasing (0.10.dev0) by ring630 in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/423
* FIX: no units on frequency by gkorompi in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/428
* CHORE: Update pytest requirement from <8.2,>=7.4.0 to >=7.4.0,<8.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/434
* REFACTOR: Materials implementation by SMoraisAnsys in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/441
* CHORE: Update pytest-xdist requirement from <3.6,>=3.5.0 to >=3.5.0,<3.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/432
* FIX: edb configuration import stackup by ring630 in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/424
* FIX: create_port_on_component auto solderballs by gkorompi in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/445
* CHORE: Update sphinx-gallery requirement from <0.16,>=0.14.0 to >=0.14.0,<0.17 by dependabot in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/433
* FIX: stackup import xml by ring630 in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/429
* FEAT: Broadband simulation setup support with SimulationConfiguration class by svandenb-dev in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/421
* FIX: get_pins_name_from_net by gkorompi in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/436
* FEAT: Edb configuration distributed ports by ring630 in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/451
* FIX: Vias Names by gkorompi in https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/pull/439
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ansys/pyedb/compare/v0.9.0...v0.10.0