
Latest version: v2.2.0

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- Added support for using full header as identifier without building index
- Improved the speed of fasta sequence iteration
- Improved the speed of gzipped fastq read iteration
- Fixed a bug in fastq read reader



- Fixed fastq read iteration error
- Fixed fastq cache buffer reader
- Added cache for mean, median and N50 length
- Speedup fasta iteration by reduced seeks



- Fixed DeprecationWarning on py38 caused by '' formats args
- Fixed some memory leak bugs
- Cached sequence name to speedup fetch method
- Used random string as gzip index temp file to support multiple processes



- Fixed iteration error on Windows
- Fixed test error on Windows
- Fixed fastq composition error on 32bit OS
- Improved the speed of fasta identifier sort and filter



- Improved the speed of sequence reading
- Improved the speed of sequence line iteration
- Added avglen, minlen, maxlen, minqual and maxqual to Fastq object
- Fixed read retrieval error
- Fixed some hidden memory leaks
- Changed fastq index file structure to save more information



- Added buffreader to improve speed for reading from gzipped file
- Added extract subcommand to extract sequences from fasta/q file
- Added build subcommand to just build index
- Changed info subcommand output to a tab seperated table
- Changed Fastq object composition parameter to full_index

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