This release provides access to three new datasets:
- USACE Hydrographic Surveys (eHydro) and
- USGS Short-Term Network (STN) Flood Event Data,
contributed by `Fernando Aristizabal <https://github.com/fernando-aristizabal>`__.
- NLCD 2021
New Features
- Add support for getting topobathymetry data from USACE Hydrographic
Surveys (eHydro). The new class is called ``EHydro`` and gives users
the ability to subset the eHydro dataset by geometry, ID, or SQL queries.
- Add new ``stnfloodevents`` module with ``STNFloodEventData`` class for
retrieving flood event data from the
`USGS Short-Term Network (STN) <https://stn.wim.usgs.gov/STNWeb/#/>`__
RESTful Service. This Python API abstracts away RESTful principles and
produces analysis ready data in geo-referenced GeoDataFrames, DataFrames,
lists, or dictionaries as desired. The core class methods available are
``data_dictionary``, ``get_all_data``, and ``get_filtered_data``.
These class methods retrieve the data dictionaries by type, get all the
available data by type, and make filtered requests for data by type as well,
respectively. The four types of data include ``instruments``, ``peaks``,
``hwms``, and ``sites``.
Contributed by `Fernando Aristizabal <https://github.com/fernando-aristizabal>`__.
- Add a wrapper function for the ``STNFloodEventData`` class called
- Add support for the new NLCD data (2021) for the three supported layers.