
Latest version: v0.19.0

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New Features
- Add a new function, called ``nlcd_area_percent``, for computing the
percentages or natural, developed, and impervious areas within geometries
of a given ``GeoDataFrame``. This function uses imperviousness and land
use/land cover data from NLCD to compute the area percentages of the natural,
developed, and impervious areas. For more information please refer to the
function's documentation.
- Add a new column to the dataframe returned by ``NWIS.get_info``, called
``nhd_comid``, and rename ``drain_sqkm`` to ``nhd_areasqkm``. The new
drainage area is the best available estimates of stations' drainage area
that have been extracted from the NHDPlus. The new ``nhd_comid`` column
makes it easier to link stations to NHDPlus.
- In ``get_camels``, return ``qobs`` with negatives values set to ``NaN``.
Also, Add a new variable called ``Newman_2017`` to both datasets for
identifying the 531 stations that were used in
`Newman et al. (2017) <>`__.
- Add a new function, called ``streamflow_fillna``, for filling missing
streamflow values (``NAN``) with day-of-year average values.

Breaking Changes
- Bump the minimum required version of ``shapely`` to 2.0,
and use its new API.

Internal Changes
- Sync all minor versions of HyRiver packages to 0.14.0.
- Improve performance of all NLCD functions by merging two methods of
the ``NLCD`` and also reducing the memory footprint of the functions.



New Features
- Add initial support for `SensorThings API <>`__
Currently, the ``SensorThings`` class only supports ``Things`` endpoint.
Users need to provide a valid Odata filter. The class has a ``odata_helper``
function that can be used to generate and validate Odata filters.
Additionally, using ``sensor_info`` and ``sensor_property`` functions
users can request for information about sensors themselves or their properties.

Internal Changes
- Simplify geometry validation by using ``pygeoutils.geo2polygon``
function in ``ssebopeta_bygeom``.
- Fully migrate ``setup.cfg`` and ```` to ``pyproject.toml``.
- Convert relative imports to absolute with ``absolufy-imports``.
- Sync all patch versions of HyRiver packages to x.x.12.



Breaking Changes
- The NID service has changed some of its endpoints to use Federal ID
instead of Dam ID. This change affects the ``NID.inventory_byid``
function. This function now accepts Federal IDs instead of dam IDs.

New Features
- Refactor the ``show_versions`` function to improve performance and
print the output in a nicer table-like format.

Internal Changes
- Use the new ``pygeoogc.streaming_download`` function in ``huc_wb_full``
to improve performance and reduce code complexity.
- Skip 0.13.9 version so the minor version of all HyRiver packages become
the same.
- Modify the codebase based on the latest changes in ``geopandas`` related
to empty dataframes.
- Use ``pyright`` for static type checking instead of ``mypy`` and address
all typing issues that it raised.



New Features
- Add a function called ``huc_wb_full`` that returns the full watershed
boundary ``GeoDataFrame`` of a given HUC level. If only a subset of HUCs
is needed the ``pygeohydro.WBD`` class should be used. The full dataset
is downloaded from the National Maps'
`WBD staged products <>`__.
- Add a new function called ``irrigation_withdrawals`` for retrieving estimated
monthly water use for irrigation by 12-digit hydrologic unit in the
CONUS for 2015 from `ScienceBase <>`__.
- Add a new property to ``NID``, called ``data_units`` for indicating the
units of NID dataset variables.
- The ``get_us_states`` now accepts ``conus`` as a ``subset_key`` which is
equivalent to ``contiguous``.

Internal Changes
- Add ``get_us_states`` to ``__init__`` file, so it can be loaded directly,
e.g., ``gh.get_us_states("TX")``.
- Modify the codebase based on `Refurb <>`__
- Significant performance improvements in ``NWIS.get_streamflow`` especially
for large requests by refactoring the timezone handling.

Bug Fixes
- Fix the dam types and purposes mapping dictionaries in ``NID`` class.



New Features
- Add a two new function for retrieving soil properties across the US:

* ``soil_properties``: Porosity, available water capacity, and field capacity,
* ``soil_gnatsgo``: Soil properties from the gNATSGO database.

- Add a new help function called ``state_lookup_table`` for getting
a lookup table of US states and their counties. This can be particularly
useful for mapping the digit ``state_cd`` and ``county_cd`` that NWIS
returns to state names/codes.
- Add support for getting individual state geometries using ``get_us_states``
function by passing their two letter state code. Also, use TIGER 2022
data for the US states and counties instead of TIGER 2021.

Internal Changes
- Remove ``proplot`` as a dependency and use ``matplotlib`` instead.



Internal Changes
- Add the missing PyPi classifiers for the supported Python versions.

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