
Latest version: v0.14

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**Major enhancements**

* Addition of ``nearest`` and ``nearest_all`` functions to ``STRtree`` for
GEOS >= 3.6 to find the nearest neighbors (272).
* Enable bulk construction of geometries with different number of coordinates
by optionally taking index arrays in all creation functions (230, 322, 326, 346).
* Released the GIL in all geometry creation functions (310, 326).
* Added the option to return the geometry index in ``get_coordinates`` (318).
* Added the ``get_rings`` function, similar as ``get_parts`` but specifically
to extract the rings of Polygon geometries (342).
* Updated ``box`` ufunc to use internal C function for creating polygon
(about 2x faster) and added ``ccw`` parameter to create polygon in
counterclockwise (default) or clockwise direction (308).
* Added ``to_shapely`` and improved performance of ``from_shapely`` in the case
GEOS versions are different (312).

**API Changes**

* STRtree default leaf size is now 10 instead of 5, for somewhat better performance
under normal conditions (286)
* Deprecated ``VALID_PREDICATES`` set from ``pygeos.strtree`` package; these can be constructed
in downstream libraries using the ``pygeos.strtree.BinaryPredicate`` enum.
This will be removed in a future release.
* ``points``, ``linestrings``, ``linearrings``, and ``polygons`` now return a ``GEOSException``
instead of a ``ValueError`` or ``TypeError`` for invalid input (310, 326).
* Addition of ``on_invalid`` parameter to ``from_wkb`` and ``from_wkt`` to
optionally return invalid WKB geometries as ``None``.
* Removed the (internal) function ``lib.polygons_without_holes`` and renamed
``lib.polygons_with_holes`` to ``lib.polygons`` (326).
* ``polygons`` will now return an empty polygon for `None` inputs (346).
* Removed compatibility with Python 3.5 (341).

**Added GEOS functions**

* Addition of a ``contains_properly`` function (267)
* Addition of a ``polygonize`` function (275)
* Addition of a ``polygonize_full`` function (298)
* Addition of a ``segmentize`` function for GEOS >= 3.10 (299)
* Addition of ``oriented_envelope`` and ``minimum_rotated_rectangle`` functions (314)
* Addition of ``minimum_bounding_circle`` and ``minimum_bounding_radius`` functions for GEOS >= 3.8 (315)
* Addition of a ``shortest_line`` ("nearest points") function (334)

**Bug fixes**

* Fixed portability issue for ARM architecture (293)
* Fixed segfault in ``linearrings`` and ``box`` when constructing a geometry with nan
coordinates (310).
* Fixed segfault in ``polygons`` (with holes) when None was provided.
* Fixed memory leak in ``polygons`` when non-linearring input was provided.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

* Brendan Ward
* Casper van der Wel
* Joris Van den Bossche
* Martin Fleischmann
* Mike Taves
* Tanguy Ophoff +
* James Myatt +



**Major enhancements**

* Addition of ``prepare`` function that generates a GEOS prepared geometry which is stored on
the Geometry object itself. All binary predicates (except ``equals``) make use of this.
Helper functions ``destroy_prepared`` and ``is_prepared`` are also available. (92, 252)
* Use previously prepared geometries within ``STRtree`` ``query`` and ``query_bulk``
functions if available (246)
* Official support for Python 3.9 and numpy 1.20 (278, 279)
* Drop support for Python 3.5 (211)
* Added support for pickling to ``Geometry`` objects (190)
* The ``apply`` function for coordinate transformations and the ``set_coordinates``
function now support geometries with z-coordinates (131)
* Addition of Cython and internal PyGEOS C API to enable easier development of internal
functions (previously all significant internal functions were developed in C).
Added a Cython-implemented ``get_parts`` function (51)

**API Changes**

* Geometry and counting functions (``get_num_coordinates``,
``get_num_geometries``, ``get_num_interior_rings``, ``get_num_points``) now return 0
for ``None`` input values instead of -1 (218)
* ``intersection_all`` and ``symmetric_difference_all`` now ignore None values
instead of returning None if any value is None (249)
* ``union_all`` now returns None (instead of ``GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY``) if
all input values are None (249)
* The default axis of ``union_all``, ``intersection_all``, ``symmetric_difference_all``,
and ``coverage_union_all`` can now reduce over multiple axes. The default changed from the first
axis (``0``) to all axes (``None``) (266)
* Argument in ``line_interpolate_point`` and ``line_locate_point``
was renamed from ``normalize`` to ``normalized`` (209)
* Addition of ``grid_size`` parameter to specify fixed-precision grid for ``difference``,
``intersection``, ``symmetric_difference``, ``union``, and ``union_all`` operations for
GEOS >= 3.9 (276)

**Added GEOS functions**

* Release the GIL for ``is_geometry()``, ``is_missing()``, and
``is_valid_input()`` (207)
* Addition of a ``is_ccw()`` function for GEOS >= 3.7 (201)
* Addition of a ``minimum_clearance`` function for GEOS >= 3.6.0 (223)
* Addition of a ``offset_curve`` function (229)
* Addition of a ``relate_pattern`` function (245)
* Addition of a ``clip_by_rect`` function (273)
* Addition of a ``reverse`` function for GEOS >= 3.7 (254)
* Addition of ``get_precision`` to get precision of a geometry and ``set_precision``
to set the precision of a geometry (may round and reduce coordinates) (257)

**Bug fixes**

* Fixed internal GEOS error code detection for ``get_dimensions`` and ``get_srid`` (218)
* Limited the length of geometry repr to 80 characters (189)
* Fixed error handling in ``line_locate_point`` for incorrect geometry
types, now actually requiring line and point geometries (216)
* Addition of ``get_parts`` function to get individual parts of an array of multipart
geometries (197)
* Ensure that ``python clean`` removes all previously Cythonized and compiled
files (239)
* Handle GEOS beta versions (262)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

* Brendan Ward
* Casper van der Wel
* Joris Van den Bossche
* Mike Taves



**Highlights of this release**

* Handle multi geometries in ``boundary`` (188)
* Handle empty points in to_wkb by conversion to POINT (nan, nan) (179)
* Prevent segfault in to_wkt (and repr) with empty points in multipoints (171)
* Fixed bug in ``multilinestrings()``, it now accepts linearrings again (168)
* Release the GIL to allow for multithreading in functions that do not
create geometries (144) and in the STRtree ``query_bulk()`` method (174)
* Addition of a ``frechet_distance()`` function for GEOS >= 3.7 (144)
* Addition of ``coverage_union()`` and ``coverage_union_all()`` functions
for GEOS >= 3.8 (142)
* Fixed segfaults when adding empty geometries to the STRtree (147)
* Addition of ``include_z=True`` keyword in the ``get_coordinates()`` function
to get 3D coordinates (178)
* Addition of a ``build_area()`` function for GEOS >= 3.8 (141)
* Addition of a ``normalize()`` function (136)
* Addition of a ``make_valid()`` function for GEOS >= 3.8 (107)
* Addition of a ``get_z()`` function for GEOS >= 3.7 (175)
* Addition of a ``relate()`` function (186)
* The ``get_coordinate_dimensions()`` function was renamed to
``get_coordinate_dimension()`` for consistency with GEOS (176)
* Addition of ``covers``, ``covered_by``, ``contains_properly`` predicates
to STRtree ``query`` and ``query_bulk`` (157)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

* Brendan Ward
* Casper van der Wel
* Joris Van den Bossche
* Krishna Chaitanya +
* Martin Fleischmann +
* Tom Clancy +



**Highlights of this release**

* STRtree improvements for spatial indexing:
* Directly include predicate evaluation in ``STRtree.query()`` (87)
* Query multiple input geometries (spatial join style) with ``STRtree.query_bulk`` (108)
* Addition of a ``total_bounds()`` function (107)
* Geometries are now hashable, and can be compared with ``==`` or ``!=`` (102)
* Fixed bug in ``create_collections()`` with wrong types (86)
* Fixed a reference counting bug in STRtree (97, 100)
* Start of a benchmarking suite using ASV (96)
* This is the first release that will provide wheels!


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

* Brendan Ward +
* Casper van der Wel
* Joris Van den Bossche
* Mike Taves +



Highlights of this release:

* Addition of the STRtree class for spatial indexing (58)
* Addition of a ``bounds`` function (69)
* A new ``from_shapely`` function to convert Shapely geometries to pygeos.Geometry (61)
* Reintroduction of the ``shared_paths`` function (77)


* Casper van der Wel
* Joris Van den Bossche
* mattijn +



Highlights of this release:

* Moved to the pygeos GitHub organization.
* Addition of functionality to get and transform all coordinates (eg for reprojections or affine transformations) [44]
* Ufuncs for converting to and from the WKT and WKB formats [45]
* ``equals_exact`` has been added [PR 57]

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