This is a major release of PyGEOS and the first one with actual release notes. Most important features of this release are:
* ``buffer`` and ``haussdorff_distance`` were completed [15]
* ``voronoi_polygons`` and ``delaunay_triangles`` have been added [17]
* The PyGEOS documentation is now mostly complete and available on http://pygeos.readthedocs.io .
* The concepts of "empty" and "missing" geometries have been separated. The ``pygeos.Empty`` and ``pygeos.NaG`` objects has been removed. Empty geometries are handled the same as normal geometries. Missing geometries are denoted by ``None`` and are handled by every pygeos function. ``NaN`` values cannot be used anymore to denote missing geometries. [PR 36]
* Added ``pygeos.__version__`` and ``pygeos.geos_version``. [PR 43]