- Added new argument ``-e / --encoding`` to ``pygnmicli`` to specify the encoding, which overrides the default one. Fix for `Issue 58 <https://github.com/akarneliuk/pygnmi/issues/58>`_. - Fixed minor bug with encoding handling inside ``get()`` and ``subscribe2()`` methods. - Simplified the code.
- Fixed bug, when returned ``json_val`` or ``json_ietf_val`` is not processed correctly if the value is empty string. Fix for `Issue 58 <https://github.com/akarneliuk/pygnmi/issues/58>`_.
- Fixed minor issue with establishing ``insecure`` channel. - Fixed bug with inabillity to specify ``prefix`` in Subscribe messages for ``subscribe2()`` method. - **Important**: It is recommended to use method ``subscribe2()`` instead of ``subscribe()`` for building telemetry collectors with ``pygnmi`` as this method is further developed and throroughle tested. The method ``subscribe()`` will be deprecated in future releases. - Functionality ``qos`` is now properly supported in ``subscribe2()`` method.
- Fixed some issues with telemetry representation with ``pygnmicli``.
- Change logic of setting default values for some parameters to improve user experience. - Added token authentication to pygnmicli.
- Changed behaviour of ``subscribe2()`` to RPC to avoid adding the empty ``Extension`` field for no extensions presenting. Fix for `Issue 83 <https://github.com/akarneliuk/pygnmi/issues/83>`_. - Uppdated documentation with examples in GitHub. - Added support of History extensions to ``pygnmicli``.