- Changed behaviour of ``subscribe2()`` to RPC to avoid adding the empty ``Extension`` field for no extensions presenting. Fix for `Issue 83 <https://github.com/akarneliuk/pygnmi/issues/83>`_. - Uppdated documentation with examples in GitHub. - Added support of History extensions to ``pygnmicli``.
- Implemented `History Extension <https://github.com/openconfig/reference/blob/master/rpc/gnmi/gnmi-history.md#1-purpose>`_. - Implemented handling of corner case, where ``--skip-verify`` was failing trying to parse certificate, `which doesn't have CN and SARs <https://github.com/akarneliuk/pygnmi/issues/71>`_.
- Removed the need for ``--no-binary=protobuf`` for operation.
- **Important**: potentially breaking change. The dependency is moved from ``grpcio-tools`` to ``protobuf``, which as a standalone package has a much newer serion. - Spec is rebuilt and updated to support gNMI of version ``0.8.0``.
- Amended the logic of ``ONCE`` telemetry mode to automatically terminate on receiving ``{"sync_response": True}`` message.
- Feature ``skip_verify`` is now stabilised and doesn't require subject alternative names any more.