git log --reverse --pretty=format:'* %s [%h]' v0.3.6..v0.3.7
* Merge tag 'v0.3.5' into develop \[8c5de0a\]
* ENH: pyline.py: main(args=None, iterable=None, output=None) \[dd490e1\]
* UBY: pyline.py: -O chk == -O checkbox \[3aa96ce\]
* UBY: pyline.py: l = line = o = obj \[3aa9a81\]
* DOC: pyline.py: -f/--in/--input-file, -o/--out/--output-file \[bcc9eff\]
* TST: requirements-test.txt: nose, nose-parameterized, nose-progressive \[213e0c0\]
* BUG: pyline: collections.OrderedDict, return 0 \[5fd1114\]
* DOC: setup.py: install_requires=\[\] \[a41bf30\]
* TST,BUG,CLN: test_pyline.py: chk, main(_args), docstrings, opts._output.close() \[0254f30\]
* Merge tag 'v0.3.6' into develop \[f46f90c\]
* DOC,REF: pyline.py: type_func->typefunc, docstrings \[08c8d9c\]
* UBY: pyline.py: \[--input-delim-split-max\|--max\|--max-split\] \[b509726\]
* REF: pyline.py: ResultWriter.get_writer ValueError, expand \[143c5f7\]
* DOC: pyline.py: usage docstring, main docstring \[bc44747\]
* TST: tests/test_pylinepy: more tests of sorting \[b60750a\]
* DOC: pyline.py: docstrings \[89ea5c7\]
* BLD,TST,BUG: Makefile, setup.py, pyline.py, test_pyline.py: pyline.main does sorting, kwargs, opts obj \[e80cde6\]
* TST,REF: split to SequenceTestCase, LoggingTestCase, Test\* \[62ff39b\]
* TST: tests/test_pyline.py: TestPylinePyline.test_30_pyline_codefunc \[49928d5\]
* Merge branch 'feature/split_tests' into develop \[ef63a18\]
* RLS,DOC: README.rst, setup.py, pyline.py 0.3.7 description \[9fc262e\]
* Merge branch 'release/0.3.7' \[07b00b2\]