------------------- - Major refactorisation into new module layout. - New examples using the new module handling. - Accelerometer convenience methods shows strange lag still.
------------------- - Critical fix for data signal subscription method. - ``Setup.py`` handling of building made better, - Documentation improved.
------------------- - Major refactoring: all BLE comm code practically moved to backends. - Backend ``pybluez`` with ``gattlib`` now works well. - Travis CI problems with Python 2.7 encoding led to that we are now building on 2.7.11
------------------- - Changed from using ``gattlib`` on its own to using ``pybluez`` with ``gattlib`` - Travis CI and Coveralls - Travis CI deploys documentation to gh-pages. - Some documentation written.
------------------- - Refactoring in moving functionality back to client from backends. - Enable BlueZ 4.X use with ``pygatt``. - Disconnect methods added. - Example with switch button notification.