A scoring system has been implemented. This also comes with timed games. Each game is "solved" after 5 minutes. After this, the player may not attempt to solve any words, and all possible words are displayed. If the player has successfully solved a seven letter word, then the player's score is carried into the next game, otherwise it is reset once a new game is started.
The scoring system is not as simple as anagramarama's (intentionally). I found that anagramarama didn't encourage players to attempt longer words. By adding bonus scores and rewarding player well for guessing longer words, Pynagram should now encourage players to guess longer words.
The about dialogue issue has been fixed. Previously the about dialogue would open only once, after which Pynagram would have to be closed to see it again. Special thanks to "days_of_ruin" from Ubuntu forums for pointing out the solution.
Once "Solve" has been clicked, the words that were typed by the user are displayed in bold in order to differentiate between the words that were typed and those that weren't.