New Features
- Add support for LakeCat dataset in ``streamcat`` function. A new argument
called ``lakes_only`` is added to the function. If set to ``True``, only
metrics for lake and their associated catchments will be returned. The default
is ``False`` to retain backward compatibility.
Bug Fixes
- Modify ``HP3D`` class based on the latest changes to the 3D Hydrography Program
service. Hydrolocation layer has now three sub-layers:
- ``hydrolocation_waterbody`` for Sink, Spring, Waterbody Outlet,
- ``hydrolocation_flowline`` for Headwater, Terminus, Divergence, Confluence, Catchment Outlet,
- ``hydrolocation_reach`` for Reach Code, External Connection.
Breaking Changes
- EPA's HMS no longer supports the StreamCat dataset, since they have a dedicated
service for it. Thus, the ``epa_nhd_catchments`` function no longer accepts
"streamcat" as an input for the ``feature`` argument. For all StreamCat queries,
use the ``streamcat`` function instead. Now, the ``epa_nhd_catchments`` function
is essentially useful for getting Curve Number data.