- Bump version to the same version as PyGeoHydro.
Breaking Changes
- Add a new function for getting basins geometries for a list of USGS station IDs.
The function is a method of ``NLDI`` class called ``get_basins``. So, now
``NLDI.getfeature_byid`` function does not have a basin flag. This change
makes getting geometries easier and faster.
- Remove ``characteristics_dataframe`` method from ``NLDI`` and make a standalone function
called ``nhdplus_attrs`` for accessing NHDPlus attributes directly from ScienceBase.
- Add support for using `hydro <https://hydro.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NHDPlus_HR/MapServer>`_
or `edits <https://edits.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NHDPlus_HR/NHDPlus_HR/MapServer>`_
webs services for getting NHDPlus High-Resolution using ``NHDPlusHR`` function. The new arguments
are ``service`` which accepts ``hydro`` or ``edits``, and ``autos_switch`` flag for automatically
switching to the other service if the ones passed by ``service`` fails.
New Features
- Add a new argument to ``topoogical_sort`` called ``edge_attr`` that allows adding attribute(s) to
the returned Networkx Graph. By default, it is ``None``.
- A new base class, ``AGRBase`` for connecting to ArcGISRESTful-based services such as National Map
and EPA's WaterGEOS.
- Add support for setting the buffer distance for the input geometries to ``AGRBase.bygeom``.
- Add ``comid_byloc`` to ``NLDI`` class for getting ComIDs of the closest flowlines from a list of
lon/lat coordinates.
- Add ``bydistance`` to ``WaterData`` for getting features within a given radius of a point.