
Latest version: v1.7.7

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* Corrected attribute names for media keys on *macOS*. Thanks to *ah3243*!


* Corrected keyboard listener on *Windows*. Thanks to *akiratakasaki*,
*segalion*, *SpecialCharacter*!
* Corrected handling of some special keys, including arrow keys, when combined
with modifiers on *Windows*. Thanks to *tuessetr*!
* Updated documentation to include information about DPI scaling on *Windows*.
Thanks to *david-szarka*!
* Added experimental support for media keys. Thanks to *ShivamJoker*,

v1.4.5 (2019-11-05) - Corrected errors on *Python 3.8*
* Corrected errors about using `in` operator for enums on *Python 3.8* on


* Included commit to correctly fall back on
* Corrected deprecation warnings about ``Enum`` usage on *Python 3.8*.


* Correctly fall back on ``CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString``.
* Updated documentation.


* Use ``CGEventKeyboardGetUnicodeString`` in *macOS* keyboard listener to send
correct characters.
* Include keysym instead of key code in *Xorg* keyboard listener.
* Corrected logging to not include expected ``StopException``.
* Updated and corrected documentation.


* Log unhandled exceptions raised by listener callbacks.

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