
Latest version: v1.7.7

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* Allow catching exceptions thrown from listener callbacks. This changes the
API, as joining a listener now potentially raises unhandled exceptions,
and unhandled exceptions will stop listeners.
* Added support for the numeric keypad on *Linux*.
* Improved documentation.
* Thanks to *jollysean* and *gilleswijnker* for their input!


* Listen for and dispatch middle button mouse clicks on *Windows*.


* Corrected bug in ``pynput.keyboard.Controller.pressed`` which caused it to
never release the key. Many thanks to Toby Southwell!


* Corrected handling of modifier keys to allow them to be composable on


* Corrected error generation when ``GetKeyboardState`` fails.
* Make sure to apply shift state to borrowed keys on *X*.
* Use *pylint*.


* Changed *Xlib* library.

v1.1.2 (2016-09-26) - Added missing type for Python 2
* Added missing ``LPDWORD`` for *Python 2* on *Windows*.

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