- This version includes numerous bugfixes and improvements.
- The module AppKit.NibClassBuilder has been moved to the package
- Usage of libFFI (https://sourceware.org/libffi/) is now mandatory. The
setup.py gives the impression that it isn't, but we do *not* support
non-FFI builds.
- We actually have some documentation, more will be added in future releases.
- There are more Project Builder templates (see 'Project Templates').
- The InterfaceBuilder, PreferencePanes and ScreenSaver frameworks have been
- Management of reference counts is now completely automatic, it is no longer
necessary to manually compensate for the higher reference count of objects
returned by the alloc, copy and copyWithZone: class methods.
- Various function and keyword arguments have been renamed for a better
integration with Cocoa. A partial list is of the changed names is::
objc.lookup_class -> objc.lookUpClass
objc.selector arguments/attributes:
is_initializer -> isInitializer
is_allocator -> isAlloc
donates_ref -> doesDonateReference
is_required -> isRequired
class_method -> isClassMethod
defining_class -> definingClass
returns_self -> returnsSelf
argument_types -> argumentTypes
return_type -> returnType
objc.get_class_list -> objc.getClassList
- On Python 2.2, objc.YES and objc.NO are instances of a private boolean type,
on Python 2.3 these are instances of the builtin type bool.
- Because we now use libFFI a large amount of code could be disabled. The
binaries are therefore much smaller, while we can now forward messages with
arbitrary signatures (not limited to those we thought of while generating
the static proxies that were used in 0.8)
- Better support for APIs that use byte arrays are arguments or return values.
Specifically, the developer can now manipulate bitmaps directly via the
NSBitmapImageRep class, work with binary data through the NSData class, and
very quickly draw points and rects via NSRectFillList()
- We added a subclass of unicode that is used to proxy NSString values. This
makes it easily possible to use NSString values with Python APIs, while at
the same time allowing access to the full power of NSString.