* Removed PyObjCTools.TestSupport.filterWarnings, use warnings.catch_warnings
* Building pyobjc-core using "python setup.py develop" will use 'ccache'
when available.
* Building pyobjc-core will compile the source files from new to old files,
to speed up feedback while working on the source code.
* Legacy BridgeSupport files on macOS 10.13 (which aren't used by default
by PyObjC) can contain junk data in typestring data. Cleanup that data
before using it.
* Deal with loading bundle variables of a C string type, that used to crash
to do an oddity of locating that information.
* Using wrappers for C structs as sequences is deprecated, this
feature was introduced a long while ago when the framework wrappers
were very incomplete and is no longer usefull.
* Add ``objc.options.structs_indexable``. When this option is True
(the default) wrappers for C structs behave as before, when the
option is False these wrappers can no longer be used as writable
tuples, that is all "sequence" methods will raise ``TypeError``.
* Add ``objc.options.structs_writable``. When this option is True
(the default) wrappers for C structs behave as before, when the
option is False these wrappers can no longer be modified.
* Add availability macro ``MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13`` to ``objc``.
* New framework wrappers:
- :doc:`ColorSync </apinotes/ColorSync>` (new in macOS 10.13)
- :doc:`CoreML </apinotes/CoreML>` (new in macOS 10.13)
- :doc:`ExternalAccessory </apinotes/ExternalAccessory>` (new in macOS 10.13)
- :doc:`CoreSpotlight </apinotes/CoreSpotlight>` (new in macOS 10.13)
- :doc:`Vision </apinotes/Vision>` (new in macOS 10.13)
* metadata updates:
- :doc:`Accounts </apinotes/Accounts>`
- :doc:`AddressBook </apinotes/AddressBook>`
- :doc:`AppKit </apinotes/AppKit>`
- :doc:`ApplicationServices </apinotes/ApplicationServices>`
- :doc:`Automator </apinotes/Automator>`
- :doc:`AVKit </apinotes/AVKit>`
- :doc:`CalendarStore </apinotes/CalendarStore>`
- :doc:`CFNetwork </apinotes/CFNetwork>`
- :doc:`CloudKit </apinotes/CloudKit>`
- :doc:`Contacts </apinotes/Contacts>`
- :doc:`CoreBluetooth </apinotes/CoreBluetooth>`
- :doc:`CoreData </apinotes/CoreData>`
- :doc:`CoreFoundation </apinotes/CoreFoundation>`
- :doc:`CoreGraphics </apinotes/CoreGraphics>`
- :doc:`CoreImage </apinotes/CoreImage>`
- :doc:`CoreLocation </apinotes/CoreLocation>`
- :doc:`CoreServices </apinotes/CoreServices>`
- :doc:`CoreText </apinotes/CoreText>`
- :doc:`CoreVideo </apinotes/CoreVideo>`
- :doc:`CoreWLAN </apinotes/CoreWLAN>`
- :doc:`CryptoTokenKit </apinotes/CryptoTokenKit>`
- :doc:`EventKit </apinotes/EventKit>`
- :doc:`FinderSync </apinotes/FinderSync>`
- :doc:`Foundation </apinotes/Foundation>`
- :doc:`FSEvents </apinotes/FSEvents>`
- :doc:`GameController </apinotes/GameController>`
- :doc:`IMServicePlugIn </apinotes/IMServicePlugIn>`
- :doc:`ImageCaptureCore </apinotes/ImageCaptureCore>`
- :doc:`ImageIO </apinotes/ImageIO>`
- :doc:`Intents </apinotes/Intents>`
- :doc:`IOSurface </apinotes/IOSurface>`
- :doc:`JavaScriptCore </apinotes/JavaScriptCore>`
- :doc:`LocalAuthentication </apinotes/LocalAuthentication>`
- :doc:`MapKit </apinotes/MapKit>`
- :doc:`MediaLibrary </apinotes/MediaLibrary>`
- :doc:`MediaPlayer </apinotes/MediaPlayer>`
- :doc:`ModelIO </apinotes/ModelIO>`
- :doc:`MultipeerConnectivity </apinotes/MultipeerConnectivity>`
- :doc:`NetFS </apinotes/NetFS>`
- :doc:`NetworkExtension </apinotes/NetworkExtension>`
- :doc:`OpenDirectory </apinotes/OpenDirectory>`
- :doc:`Photos </apinotes/Photos>`
- :doc:`PhotosUI </apinotes/PhotosUI>`
- :doc:`QTKit </apinotes/QTKit>`
- :doc:`Quartz </apinotes/Quartz>`
- :doc:`QuartzCore </apinotes/QuartzCore>`
- :doc:`QuickLook </apinotes/QuickLook>`
- :doc:`SafariServices </apinotes/SafariServices>`
- :doc:`SceneKit </apinotes/SceneKit>`
- :doc:`ScreenSaver </apinotes/ScreenSaver>`
- :doc:`Social </apinotes/Social>`
- :doc:`SpriteKit </apinotes/SpriteKit>`
- :doc:`SystemConfiguration </apinotes/SystemConfiguration>`
- :doc:`WebKit </apinotes/WebKit>`