Changes: - Now possible to reset Strand/Chromosome
Additions: - gr.drop_duplicate_positions(strand=None) None means auto => true if stranded otherwise False - add test data -, tile_size, tile_last=False) (like GenomicRanges tileGenome) -, genome_pyrange, clip=False) (like UCSC bedclip)
Fixes: - fix bug in tostring - fix bug in multithreading
Additions: - add apply_chunks, which operates on chunks, instead of chromosome-dfs.
Changes: - add nb_cpu argument to all functions - add number of columns and stranded/unstranded to tostring - add ... as last column, when there are more columns than possible to show - use , as thousands separator in tostring for number rows/cols
Additions: - allow keyword-arguments to apply, apply_pair (see example in the docs)
Changes: - to_csv etc. returns the objects themselves, so they can be used in method chains - methods called tile/window instead of tiles/windows
Fixes: - fix print when len(pr) < entries to print - tile
Additions: - add slack-flag to cluster/merge - print joined positions possible - add simple methods for printing without breaking the chain (p, mp, sp, tmp, rp)
Removals: - settings in pyranges. Added print methods instead.
Improvement: - print methods faster, especially for pyranges with many cols
Additions: - pyranges_db now out on PyPI
Changes: - PyRanges can now have Strand column with other data than "+" or "-", but it is considered unstranded. - Ensure that slack parameter is always integer. - no keep_metadata-flag in windows. Metadata is always kept. Can call drop() beforehand if metadata should not be kept.
Remove: - remove confusing keep flag from drop method (use gr[cols_to_keep] instead)