Changes: - read_bed does not fail when strand is "." - read_bed considers bed unstranded if Strand has other values than +/-
Changes: - tssify/tesify renamed five_end/three_end - five_end/three end fails when data does not contain strand
Fixes: - slack changed pyrange in-place
Fixes: - assign changed pyrange in-place
Changes: - minor bugfix
Changes: - Use gr.to_bed for output_methods, not gr.out.bed - Remove copy_df flag in constructor; using df.copy() is terser - change flag extended in constructor to int64 (default False)
Changes: - Make int32 default for Start/End
Additions: - PyRanges now has window-function, like bedtools makewindows
Fixes: - getitem sometimes returned int32-pyrange despite being given int64-pyrange - doing nearest two times in a row sometimes failed due to minor suffix-bug