* Solved 183 * new parameter output_type to switch between returning a pandas dataframe or a dict of numpy arrays, partial solution for 184 * Implemented row_compression for writing sav files, solves 185
* Solved 159, 158, 163, 164, 172, 177 * Added new date formats for SAS and SPSS solves 170, 171 * Added check missing\_range type against variable type solves 180 * Removed np.float, solves 160 * Updated Readstat source code to Release 1.1.8 candidate 0
* Included new pandas datatypes Float32Dtype and Float64Dtype when writing. Soves 150. * Forcing cythonization when installing from source solves 151.
* Updated Readstat source to version 1.1.17 * Improved error when reading dates and finding a string (145) * repaired not reading correctly metadata with multiprocessing (146)
correction when reading file paths in python <3.7
* Using os.fsencode when reading file paths to support file system encoding and Path-like objects (123) * Updated Readstat source to version 1.1.6, fixes 117 * Accepting dict as the column_label parameter for writing functions.