* corrected bug when writing and updating files fixes 17 * updated Readstat source to commit 3a53c088cb622f10a02723bbfd9b91d316995aab: better error message when the file is not a spss file
* added capability to set_value_labels to handle subset of dataframes, solves 58
* fixed bug when writing string columns with missing values (54 and 55)
* Updated Readstat to commit a71b4e80dae729e236d63d42066e79ca646cd23b (on dev) * Updated Readstat update fixes 3
* Updated Readstat to Release 1.1.2, this did not fix 3 * added capacity to read and write files with paths starting with tilde * added pandas as dependency > 0.24.0 * copying windows dlls inside pyreadstat folder in site-packages
* implemented ability to read files in chunks * implemented write_por