Enhancement: Updated typeshed stubs to latest version.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when using a `Self` return type for an `__aenter__` method.
Bug Fix: Fixed false positive error when `P.args` or `P.kwargs` parameter type annotation is wrapped in `Annotated`.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused false negative when evaluating a recursive type alias involving a tuple.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the bidirectional type inference logic for list, set and dictionary expressions when that affected certain cases where the expected type contained a union.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in false negative when using a recursive type alias with dictionary, list or set expressions.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in the inappropriate generation of an Unknown type (and therefore false positive errors in strict mode) when using bidirectional type inference with a function that accepts a generic callable parameter.
Bug Fix: Improved detection of NoReturn calls within code flow graph. In particular, the code now handles the case where the LHS of the call expression is a member access expression and the LHS of that expression is a local variable whose type needs to be inferred.
Enhancement: Added better error handling and reporting for dataclass_transform.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused crash when handling bigint literal values.
Bug Fix: Added missing check for a dataclass field that is declared with a default value in a base class but then overridden with one that doesn't include a default value in a child class. At runtime, it still acts as though it has a default value, which is inherited from the base class.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that prevented the "--verifytypes" feature from working with namespace packages.
Bug Fix: Added missing check for improper use of `Unpack` when used in some contexts.