Enhancement: Changed unknown (or unspecified) type arguments to be treated as "unknown" rather than "any" so they are reported as errors in strict mode. For example, `dict` is now treated as `Dict[Unknown, Unknown]`. This change uncovered a number of other latent bugs where TypeVar types were being specialized at inappropriate times.
Enhancement: Added ".venv" and ".git" directories to default exclude paths.
Bug Fix: Disabled file system watchers for source files if onlyOpenFiles is set to true (which is the default). This will avoid a bunch of problems that are caused by the file system watchers including high CPU utilization, memory usage, and files that can't be deleted.
Bug FIx: Fixed bug in reportIncompatibleMethodOverride logic. It wasn't properly generating an error when there was a parameter count mismatch.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused incorrect error to be reported when a (non-literal) str type is used as an index for a TypedDict.