* Fix 102, add PEP 561 type annotation stubs for most pyrsistent types. Thanks nattofriends for this!
* Fix 135, Type classes for Python 3 type annotations of pyrsistent types. Thanks nattofriends for this! * Fix 128, Allow PClass and PRecord to ignore input parameters to constructor that are not part of the spec instead of blowing up with a type error. Thanks agberk for this!
* Fix 137, deprecation warnings in Python 3.7. Thanks thombashi for this! * Fix 129, building via setuptools and setup.py. Thanks galuszkak for this!
* Fix 133, minor Python 3.7 compatibility issue. Pyrsistent is now officially Python 3.7 compliant!
* Fix 123 regression where type names break sequence fields. Thanks doozr for this! * Fix 124 using the class name to make AttributeError on __getattr__ more informative for PRecords. Thanks neilvyas for this! * Fix 125 how fields handle type arguments. Thanks neilvyas for this!
* Fix 121, regression in PClass.set() introduced in 0.14.1.